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Chapter 3 by Searcher0595 Searcher0595

Who are you?

Sam Wild, brand new apartment owner

The cologne bottle wasn't peculiar nor was it out of the ordinary in any shape or form. It was simply a Cologne bottle, made from glass with a black rectangular lid to encase the fragrance inside.

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The cologne was placed on a coffee table in the living room, right in front of the television. As a matter of fact, it was the first thing that caught your eye when you first stepped foot into your new apartment. You consider that to be rather odd, especially considering the fact that your apartment was rather classy if you do say so yourself.

You parked your luggage right next to the sofa before collapsing on the seemingly comfy but ultimately misleading sofa.

'The last owner must have forgotten his Cologne' You thought to yourself as you placed your foot on the coffee table, resting your head on the hard sofa. You took a long, slow, deep breathe as you took in the surroundings of your apartment.

"Today my first apartment, tomorrow the world"

You say to yourself with a smile as you wrap your hands behind your neck. At the age of 24, fresh out of college, you managed to steal a rather affordable apartment online. The previous owner, if you recall correctly, was a rather elderly gentleman and according to the rumors you've heard, he was quite a player.

"He'd bring women back to his apartment every other night, fuck em really good apparently, pretty good considering he was 50 years old"

You recalled your property agent's voice, Jacob, sharing the story with you. Personally, you found the story to be amusing but far-fetched, I mean c'mon, 50 years old and banging chicks in their twenties, seems as realistic as you winning a one on one match with the predator.

Just then, you noticed some writing on a crumpled piece of paper, slipped right under the cologne. Curious, you lift the bottle of fragrance up to read the mysterious paper.

'Thanks for buying my apartment chum, I needed the money quick so I sold it real cheap. As a housewarming gift, I'm leaving you my special Cologne, it smells like strawberries mixed with vanilla, but more importantly than its smell is what it can do.

This cologne contains special phermones that affects women in a way I think you'll enjoy. In short kid, put on the cologne and women will feel near instantenous attraction towards you. Even if the bitch is married or taken, she won't be able to deny her attraction towards you for long. The longer women pick up on the cologne's scent, the stronger the attraction will be. One spray should be enough but be careful kid, if you apply too much of the cologne in one shot, women won't want to be your partner, they'll want to be your slut.

But I'm sure you'll learn that soon enough' - Stanford

You're can't help but chuckle lightly as your eyes read through the paper. You've been called gullible by many people in your life but you're not dumb enough to fall for this. There's no way some fragrance can make women fall deeply in love with you. Hell, there's no way anything on earth can make women cheat on their husbands, well maybe except money and an unhappy marriage.

You grab the cologne and bring it closer to your nose, twisting the cap open before sniffing the fragrance. A blast of infused strawberry and vanilla essence hits your nose, with mild hint of mint.

"At least it smells nice"

You say to yourself as you spray the fragrance all over your shirt, spraying at least twelve times. You sincerly doubt the cologne will make any woman cheat on their husband but at least it will mask the fact you haven't showered since you arrived in the city five hours ago.

After generously spraying the cologne, you toss the glass bottle to the sofa before kicking back and relaxing as you turn on the television.

What happens next?

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