Chapter 1 by SkyDreamer SkyDreamer

The forest was dank. Humid. Alive. Mosquitos buzzed in the warm sunlight. Ferns danced in the cool summer breeze. In the distance, a wolf barked. Then another. The sound of many paws hitting dirt was getting closer. They were a pack. They were hunting.

A naked woman suddenly bolted out from the underbrush. Her eyes were wide, her breath frantic as she ran. Blood dripped from fresh scratches across her body; some from thorns, some from claws. On her heels followed the fangs of five large, grey wolves. They looked hungry. They would not be for long.

The woman tripped on a root and came crashing down to the forest floor, rolling a couple of times before coming to a stop, her body now battered and bruised. Before she could take another breath, the wolves were upon her. Fangs closed around her throat. This was it.

The forest... flickered.

The woman choked as fangs were replaced by thick, green vines that coiled around her neck and limbs. Gone were the wolves: in their place were towering bipedal half-plant, half-reptilian monsters whose green leaves transitioned to a sinister blood-red at their tips. These were snapdragons.

Moonlight illuminated the woman's body as she was hoisted into the air and flipped upside down, held firmly in place by the many vines wrapped around her body. Her scream became a muffled gargle as one of the snapdragons thrust its bulbous penis inside of her mouth. Another one repositioned her waist and thrust fiercely forwards, brutally penetrating her unlubricated vagina.

The two beasts settled into a rhythm and vigorously pounded the helpless woman's holes until they reached their peak. With a victorious roar, the snapdragons poured their seeds into their unwilling incubator, making her belly swell obscenely.

Without ever giving her a chance to escape, the snapdragons worked in unison to keep their hold on her as they dragged her away into the dark recesses of the forest, leaving behind a patch of blood and sexual fluids in the dirt as the only evidence that she was ever here. It would soon dry, and her existence would become nothing more than the mother of many more snapdragons, who in turn would capture many more defenceless girls. And so the cycle would continue.

The forest flickered again.

The damp patch in the dirt was gone. Grass was undisturbed, twigs unbroken. It was as if the woman, the wolves and the snapdragons were never here. Perhaps they never were.

And so the forest continued. It had seen it all before. It would see it all again. In this space, Time took a vacation, and dominion was passed to its younger sibling: Consequence. In Time's domain, there could be but one consequence to a given event. But this was Consequence's sandbox. Here, there were no constraints.

Let us turn now to a new resident of the forest, soon to awake to their frightening reality. They lay upon the forest floor, flickering, as the forest decided what they should be.

A man. A woman. Or somewhere in between?

A tiny fairy. A hulking orc. A fluffy wolf-girl. Maybe the forest would even be so lucky as to meet a race it'd never seen before.

Were they clothed? Perhaps they might be so lucky as to have armour or weapons nearby. Or were they naked, exposed to whatever leering eyes may be lurking nearby?

Perhaps the eyes weren't content to lurk. Maybe our poor victim would awake to find themselves the plaything of another creature's sexual desires. Or maybe they would sleep through even that, and awake later to find themselves dripping with fluids, stuffed full with children. Or if not so yet, they could be injured, and helpless to defend against that fate which was surely coming.

There was only one constant. Their memory was compromised.

Who were they? It was fuzzy, but they might be able to pick out some clues.

Where were they? Why were they there? How did they get there? Not a shred of a clue was to be found.

All they knew was that they must survive.

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