A Game of Gods (Players Welcome!)

A Game of Gods (Players Welcome!)

A new universe has come into being, with a new pantheon of gods to shape it.

Chapter 1

The Universe is without form and void: thus it has been created by AO and OM, and into it they have made 8 lesser deities, The Great Gas Pump, Sarenrae, The Ebon Dragon (TED), The Over-Toddler, Charon, Dog, Mystic X, and Olok, from these 8 would arise all things, and one day there would be sapient life, to worship the gods and occupy their attention, but for now there was a universe to build for it to inhabit, and it held only a handful of concepts, without even true patterns to their existence.

The Following things had come into existence with the gods and goddesses:

The Primal Concepts of: Life, Change, Darkness, Order, Creation, Loyalty, Destruction, Preservation, Balance, Chaos, and Good.

The Colors of: White, Black, Yellow, Red, and Blue.

The Element of: Fire.

The Shapes of: Circles, Temoa, Mitsu Temoa, Tri-Shrykes, Shrykes, Tri-bursts, Tubes, Dog Paw Prints, Ovals, Triangles, Xs, Eyes, and Möbius Strips.

The Objects of: Gas Nozzles, Digital Displays, Scimitars, Hoses, Masks, Safety Pins, and Diapers.

The Substances of: Rubber, Steel, and Cotton Cloth.

The Gross Bio-forms of: Plants and Animals.

Animal Bio forms of: Dragons (Asiatic), Canines, and Anthropoids.

There Also is Void: the primal nothingness into which the gods must create a universe.

These things are all that exists.

(Go to the latest summary page for the most recent information: this is just the start of the game...)

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