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Chapter 2 by galgalar galgalar

Pick a story

Steven, the test subject

Steven needed money real bad. A few weeks ago, he had all the money he needed, but bad influence and days of partying made him dry. So here he was sitting in a waiting room, waiting for his name to be called.

For the last week, Steven was looking for quick money to get back on his feet, but to no avail. All pointed a return to his parents' home until he saw a small ad in the university paper. The X-Change corporation was looking for a few students to undergo a behavioral study. There was not much detail in the ad. Only they want to see if there change in behavior of students since the X-Change legalization.

Steven didn't really want to go there and be a subject of this study, but the money the corporation promises was really good. If he was selected the money could last him for all his university time.

After a couple of minutes of waiting his name was called. Steven was brought to an office where a beautiful woman was waiting for him.

“Steven please take a seat.” said the beautiful woman to Steven. Steven comply without saying a word, he was too occupied by the woman's beautiful curves. “I have a few questions for you. This is standard protocol and part of the behavioral study."

“Ok, no problem shoot.” was Steven answer.

So she began questioning him. It was a pretty standard question at first, age, heights, weights, education, sexual preferences.

Steven was wondering if he should answer the question truthfully or lie some answer to create the perfect candidate even though he didn't know what they were looking for really.

How Steven answer?

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