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Chapter 4 by gramana gramana

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Lawyer show

There were three people in her office, and her pants had vanished into thin air. So. Not her best day. Jennifer carefully scraped her chair forwards, sliding as completely under her desk as she could, conscious that it was just that which kept her bare legs out of view.

"So where do we stand on the Bacon case?" Holden said.

"Guy got kidnapped at christmas, I figure the least we can do is sue," Mallory said.

"But who? Does anyone know alien law?" Holden said. "Jennifer?"

Jennifer tried not to squeak. Admittedly, her attention just then was more on her lower half; something just felt wrong about being in her work office in her underwear. Her panties were snug, an unavoidable side-effect of wearing them in both her forms, leaving her toned thighs thoroughly bare, and giving a little bit more of a clear outline than she was comfortable with.

And the bright windows she'd once been glad of her office having, now felt a little too open. Sunlight streamed in from all angles, lighting up her green hips just in case she'd missed the memo, and she had to awkwardly shuffle and angle herself to not give herself away to the glass walls between her desk and the rest of the floor.

She wriggled her legs, as if she could magic her clothes back on. Then cleared her throat.

"Er, right, right," Jennifer said. "I'm with Mallory. Probably."

"That doesn't answer the question," Holden said.

Wait, there was a question? Jennifer blinked, trying to focus.

"Could you, er, clarify?" Jennifer said.

"What authority are we meant to appeal to?" Mallory said. "Aliens kidnapped an actor for christmas, asked him to sing a song, then returned him. He seemed content enough, but it's still a weird thing to let slide."

"Oh. Right. That," Jennifer said. She paused. "Maybe this is less of a lawyer thing and more of a superhero thing?"

"Pressing charges is a lawyer thing," Pug said. "Especially if it keeps happening."

"It happened again?" Mallory said. Pug lifted up his phone, showing off a headline.

"Michelle Pfeiffer apparently," Pug said, reading. "Had just gotten out of the shower when aliens picked her up, put her in a giant gift basket with a ribbon that sad 'sorry for Kevin Bacon,' then eventually they took her back to Earth, and left her in the wrong city, still wearing nothing but the ribbon."

"Huh. Aliens are big fans of 80s movie stars I guess," Mallory said.

Jennifer groaned.

"Jen?" Pug said.

"Aliens, 80s movies, I bet I know who's to blame," Jennifer said. "My cousin, he knew a couple of people on his team. Space do-gooders."

"Wait, they're the space avengers?" Pug said.

"More guardians," Jennifer said. (She turned away from him to wink at the camera).

"Well that's just great. Optics for suing the Avengers would be terrible," Holden said.

Jennifer nodded along, still only half paying attention. She kept fidgeting, adjusting her chair, eyes darting nervously towards the glass wall. She fiddled with the lower edge of her shirt, finding it incapable of serving even as a short skirt. She bit her lip.

"Maybe Jennifer should reach out and see if there even is anyone we can appeal to," Mallory said. "Don't want to get ahead of ourselves."

"Agreed," Holden said. "And Pug, you reach out to Pfeiffer and Bacon, see if they're going to press charges. We could do with them on-side if we end up pursuing this."

"Right, boss," Pug said.

"Okay. Everyone, you can get to work," Holden said. He gestured brusquely, then glanced across the desk. "Jennifer, walk with me."

Jennifer's eyes went wide, and she glanced down at her legs. She tugged awkwardly on her shirt and blazer again.

"Er. I'd rather not," she managed.

She had a sudden mental flash of walking down the hallway in her panties, past all the offices with walls as glass as hers. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and a tiny tear formed along the bottom of her blazer as nervous fiddling with Hulk-strength turned out to be a bad idea.

"Jennifer?" Holden said.

"Sorry, I'm just- busy! Yeah, super busy," Jennifer said. "Few more cases to do today, and it sounds like this one is on hold anyway until I hear back from Bruce."

She squirmed, the cool of her chair's cushion pressing against the backs of her thighs. She waited nervously under her boss's gaze.

"I... guess, for today," Holden said slowly.

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief, legs shaking a ltitle despite herself. If he moved a step closer he'd probably be able to see a strip of green where he shouldn't be able to.

Jen held her breath, and relaxed only as he want towards the door. He glanced back, and she immediately tried to pretend she was paying attention to the files on her desk.

Okay, step one, don't stand up any time soon. Step two, find her pants.

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