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Chapter 2 by SotF SotF

What rule does he change first? What happens?

A change in stature

Josh had to smirk at the app. He had heard of these. They were like Doodle God and other low effort time killers. You'd type something in and an AI would give you a brief description of the world you "made". It was just a goofy little thing that was hardly worth the effort to download. But apparently he had downloaded it at some point. What the hell, he thought. He was stuck on the bus for a while longer and he had already opened the stupid thing.

He paused on one that read The sky is blue.

After a moment he chuckled and changed it to The sky is green.

He shut his eyes for a moment as a strange sensation overwhelmed him. What was that? Motion sickness? Josh rubbed his eyes for a moment before blinking a few times before looking up. Something was off. He couldn't put his finger on what though until he looked out the window behind him.

The sky was green.

Josh felt his jaw drop. As he stared he noticed something else strange. No one was even looking up. No one was panicking that the sky had gone from blue to green with no explanation. One would think this would call for some reaction. But instead the people on the street and the few people on his bus were going bout their day without even so much as a second glance skywards.

Josh looked down at his phone in total disbelief. The app was real. The world it controlled was his world. On his phone was the power of a capitol G God. This fact hit him like a runaway train. He could have destroyed the world or accidentally killed billions with the wrong rule. He took a several deep breathes to calm himself.

"Are you alright, sir?" He heard a woman sitting a cross from him asked as she stood up and looked down at him. She was middle aged and seemed to be of Indian descent. When he looked up at her she spoke again. "I'm a nurse. Are you having palpitations? Are you in pain?"

The woman's intense gaze roamed over him searching for some sign of illness or injury.

"N-No!" Josh stammered out slightly louder than was strictly necessary. He had never been good with strangers or women for that matter. With his nerves already in tatters at the existential crises the app had put him in he just couldn't handle this admittedly kind woman's attention. So he resolved to lie.

"I-I just got some news is all." He said quietly trying not draw further attention to himself. "I'll b-be fine I just need time to process it."

"Oh," she said her tone calm. "I'm sorry for intruding then. If you start feeling light headed or anything like that I'll be sitting right here." She said pointing at the seat across from him.

As she sat down Josh returned to his phone and the app. He searched like a mad man through the app for some kind of explanation as to its limits and powers. Eventually he found an unhelpfully jumbled and poorly formatted set of rules and as he read through them his worries began to abate. Any rules he changed could be rewritten or deleted after twenty-four hours. Rules he deleted though could only be re-added after seventy-two hours. So he'd have to be careful with that. Unless otherwise stated rules were retroactive and only he would know the difference. Perhaps most importantly though the rules had to be general. He couldn't make a rule that specifically targeted one person.

This helped him feel a little better. As long as he was careful he could undo anything that caused unexpected consequences. But that left the question what did he want to change first? After all the world was far from perfect and there was a lot of good he could do. But for some reason he simply could not think of where to start. Instead his mind kept flicking back to a specific fantasy of his. It was silly of course with the power he now had he should make the world a better place.

I'll do it later, he thought. I mean if I want to be able to do the whole benevolent god thing I should probably practice first. Guilt still gnawed at the back of his mind as he searched for the rule he wanted to change.

The average height of a man is greater than the height of the average height of a woman by about five to seven inches depending on several other factors including but not limited to genetic factors and diet during development.

Women made Josh nervous. He couldn't help it. He had grown up a nerdy, ugly duckling that never really learned to talk to women. But that changed with his first girlfriend. She had asked him out and had been good at knowing when to take the lead or let him stretch his social muscles. But part of what made it easy for him to talk to her was her height. At just barely four foot eleven inches she was more than a foot shorter than him. It was just hard to be intimidated by some one that tiny. In the end she had moved to Germany and the two simply couldn't make the long distance thing work. But after that he started noticing shorter women and felt more comfortable around them. Over time it turned into a bit of a fetish and now with the power of the app he just couldn't resist. So he re-wrote the rule.

The average height of men is between six and a half and seven feet tall. The average height of a woman is between three and a half and four and a half feet tall.

As he rewrote the first rule his fingers seemed to take on a life of their own as he began to add more rules beneath the first. As he did he reassured himself that he could always undo them. This was just a temporary indulgence in his fetish.

Most women find this difference in size intimidating, but at the same time find it arousing. The degrees of arousal and intimidation are linked. These degrees vary from woman to woman but are always present.

Women are embarrassed by this arousal and try to keep it secret. Only feeling comfortable revealing this to people they are extremely close to. The degree to which they are embarrassed increases with the degree to which they are aroused.

This combination of fear and arousal is amplified if faced with a large cock.

He paused for a moment and added a few more practical rules.

These sizes do not cause health problems.

There, that was the sort of thing he should keep an eye on if he wanted to start making large changes in the world. Even as he wrote that rule though a few more just sort of slipped out.

It is fairly easy to stay in good shape.

Women's orifices are extremely elastic. While there still might be some pain there will be no physical harm do to size during sex.

Men born on February 2nd have the largest cocks in the world. They also have the largest testicles and release a far greater amount of ejaculate when orgasming than other men. This rule is not known to the world at large.

Why yes, Josh's birthday was 2/2.

With this done he it enter and held his breath.

Did it work?

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