Apostle of the sex god

fulfull your fantasy

Chapter 1 by lordrod lordrod

"Hello Luke" you here a voice behind you, as you turn back you see a dude, shining with a staff that has a dildo on it.

"I am new sex god Eros and I am going to make you Luke my first apostle." Luke asks "what do you mean by new god what happened to old one."

"Well" Eros replied "he had enough of it, so he reliquished his powers to me, his first apostle and left."

luke asks "so there are more apostles, what happened to other apostles."

Eros anwered "There were more than one apostle who all now became demigods, demigods differ from gods because they can't make their own apostles."

"Apostles are beings, that gods share their power so as to create more followers through them. Demigods have all the powers of gods except this ability."

"I shall give you my divine artifact, Eros Cock Ring, while wearing this cock ring you are capable of projecting your genitals and everyone who gazes on them will fall into a trance."

"They will be completely obedient to your verbal commands. The trance will last until you take off the ring or use a verbal command to end it."

"The cock ring is capable of storing sexual energy which can be used to mantain your commands. It is also possible to accumulate enough energy to create personal enchanted articles with desired effects."

"None of your victims will be aware of being controlled after the effect ends, even if you give them permanent commands. Anyone who interacts with them or sees them being used will also not be aware of what is truly going on, and no one in their lives will notice any differences!"

"I shall also give you all necessary knowledge directly to your mind to guide you now wake up and forge your new destiny" you feel energy flow through your body as you wake while experiencing your dick cumming making your boxers wet as it flows down your thighs.

you wake up and feel stickiness down there and wonder what a wierd wet dream.

(Please note some chapters contain gay content and will be marked so u may skip if u are not interested in the content. The choice of skipping them will not affect the over all flow of the story)

what do you do after waking up

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