Debugger Prince

Debugger Prince

Being in Early Access can be frustrating.

Chapter 1 by Debbuger Debbuger

"My Lords!" echoed a powerful voice throughout the field, "I stand before you today, on this battlefield, calling upon you to strike vengeance against our enemies!" the roaring voice of the King called. His gaze piercing through the souls of his men, as silence spread through the ranks, not even the horses dared to neigh. "I, PLACE_HOLDER, son of ANOTHER_PLACE_HOLDER, King of KINGDOM_TITLE swear I will not let evil take hold of this land ever again!" he paused, letting the troops shouts of approval and clanking of shields embolden his words. "As we take our capital city back, we will vanquish those who harmed us and free our people! Promising justice, honour and glory!" an uproar went up in the air, soldiers raised spears, lords lifted their swords, not even DEBUG_HERO could hold His excitement and joined the cheers.

A grassy field spread before them, the King's forces, DEBUG_HERO's father, spread between two hills overlooking the approach to the city. The capital's towers shined in the morning rays as the night gave way to a new day, a day that by its end KINGDOM_TITLE's banners will fly from the tops of those towers once again. The walls were busy with troop movement, all in black colours of EVIL_EMPIRE, ramparts and battlements ready for the upcoming battle.

"We will crash them, we will kill them, we will free our land! ATTACK!!" the king roared as horns signaled the advance. Heavy boots began to move, deafening cries as the horses started the charge, siege towers and battering rams began to roll as the trebuchets released their awesome first volley, glory and **** is underway.

DEBUG_HERO turned to His companions, the loyal friends He gathered as part of the quest to rebuild His father's kingdom, the long months that culminated in this moment, the final charge. "My friends, this is our hour, this is why we are here. For many eons to come, people will remember our deeds and our sacrifice, we will be triumphant." DEBUG_HERO exclaimed, He scanned the group quickly, some of these friends may not survive this battle. To His right stood Eleara, the elven archer, her long blonde hair rested atop her shoulderpads and breastplate, it curved between the golden-green leaves patterns that adorned her ample bosom. Between her breasts hung a small medallion that belonged to her people. To DEBUG_HERO's left stood Bared, a hulking dark skinned man who preferred to brawl, many times he tanked the blows of the party's enemies as the others did their duty. With them stood Anara, the purple haired mage and the fiery red rogue that goes by the name of Sara and has been DEBUG_HERO's most trusted companion from childhood. "Good hunting everyone, let's win this thing!" DEBUG_HERO announced and turned towards the city and charged.

Cinematic scene over

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