Ponyville After Dark (Contributors Welcome!)

Even in the magical land of Equestria babies are not really dropped off by storks...

Chapter 1


The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasbro and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied, to that status. This is a work of derivative fiction intended purely for the enjoyment of the visitors to this website and it's respective authors and all content copyrighted to the contributors or any third party remains the property of it's rightful owners.


It is a cool clear night in early spring, Ponyville is getting ready for summer and the major growing season, and for a secret that everyone over the age of 18 knows but no one talks about. Spring is the 'season of love' in Ponyville and there are a lot of newborn babies right now, pony children gestating for 11 months, and the hospital maternity ward flooding right at the end of winter with all the children that were conceived this time last year. No one knows why but everypony over the age of 18 becomes maddeningly horny at night when the spring winds blow out of the Everfree, and many new relationships start at this time of year, not to mention more than a few 'shotgun' weddings about 4 months later over the years.

However, though some ponies have to be **** to the altar most go willingly well before that: the 'winds of love' only make ponies distractedly aroused, they don't rob them of their reason: and if a person does not have a 'special somepony' already they usually handle the arousal by masturbation: its the ones that are already in a committed relationship or have been trying to get that special pony's attention that end up having sex and getting pregnant.

It is the first night of the 'season of love' and the wind is blowing out of the Everfree, tonight will be a night of passion and new beginnings, and many's the newborn foal of next year will be conceived tonight...

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