Jerry joins the girl scouts

Jerry joins the girl scouts

Going where no boy has gone before

Chapter 1 by shadowyartsdirty shadowyartsdirty

Jerry is a teenage boy who has 104 days of summer vacation his only problem is how to spend it. Under normal circumstances he would spend his summer vacation playing online games and going to parties but this year is different. This summer, Jerry lost all of his money doing some cryptocurrency gambling online, and to top it all of his his computer's hard drive died.

When he asked his parents for a loan to fix his computer, they declined, saying that they would prefer that he spend this summer outside.

In response to this Jerry sits down baffled wondering how the hell he's going to spend his summer. Then asks himself, "Why not apply to be a boy scout?" Jerry thinks to himself, "they were fun the last time I went there surely they'll be fun a second time round."

So he applies to the Boy Scouts,

but alas, the Boy Scouts are full, so his application is denied.

Then, in a sudden stroke of genius, he recognizes a distinctive feature that makes the phone he's holding unique. You see Jerry was using a hand-me-down that his gay brother had given him. The phone wasn't much too look at, but it was enough to get Jerry to shut up about the many times his gay brother was having gay bedroom acrobatics with cute boys every time the parents weren't around.

Jerry then realizes that this phone allows him to access application forms that were normally only available to a small group of responsible people.

Jerry, as you can see, wasn't exactly the most responsible boy in town, therefore most of the time he was passed over for opportunities. Jerry's brother Jaret however was a goody too shoes, so using his goody two shoes brother's phone Jerry creates a new profile using some of his brothers attributes and submits an application to the girl scouts. Seeing as the brother's track record was so prim and proper the profile gets accepted.

So now there's one question to ask, will Jerry tell his parents about girl scouts or will he chicken out?

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