Creation Journal

Creation Journal

A god's gift

Chapter 1 by Thechanger12 Thechanger12

In the vastness of the cosmos a being of immense power sat bored. Billions upon billions of years had passed by and while it didn’t need to be worshiped like others in the pantheon it still craved attention. Eons had passed without so much as a whisper of the uttering of its praise or even name. Looking down it peered into the youngest of its creations, an interesting species called humans. Although primitive compared to most of the other lifeforms in the cosmos they had vast amounts of potential. They valued individualism and freedom above all else. They were too young to know of its part in their creation and had just barely begun to travel the void.

Every few millennia for its amusement it would send down a fragment of its power to the different mortal planes and races. It looked in its vast collection for such a thing. It stumbled upon its book that it used for logging information and what changed throughout eternity. Without anyone in particular it chose a mortal to see how it would use the power of the notebook. There was one catch however. Imbued in the pages of the notebook is an ancient power that mortals call chaos. Inwardly the god smiled, for it knew that only a god could truly understand the power within.

In the notebook was guidelines for a mortal to follow which were

Only the user can use this notebook.

Only a pen with magic can be used to write in the book.

The larger the alteration the longer it will take for the magic to take effect.

The book cannot be stolen or used by others.

The user cannot transfer the power to them or chaos will consume you.

As a joke it wrote on the very last page of the notebook. Write very carefully or you wish will come true

The god laughed to himself wondering what these humans would to with such power. Humans were a peculiar bunch if a bit fickle. What with their limited lifespans.

Which mortal shall have my power? What will it do I wonder?

What's next?

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