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Chapter 3 by splotch splotch

What class does Lauren go to?

Her dorm room

Lauren headed to her dorm room. She didn't want to live on campus, but couldn't afford anything else at the moment. So, she opened the door to her shared room. Jennifer, her roommate was on her bed scrolling on her phone. This was because Lauren didn't let Jennifer have any furniture. She'd even petitioned the housing board and gotten a special rule passed so the room was 70 percent Lauren's and 30 percent Jennifer's. Basically Jennifer had the bed and everything else was Lauren's.

This was just the beginning of Lauren's domineering behavior towards her roommate. She wrote a schedule for the bathroom that only gave Jennifer a few moments to shower at very awkward times. She constantly berated Jennifer if she left anything about, so Jennifer was to basically live out of a suitcase (she didn't give Jennifer any closet space either). Jennifer tried to argue, but Lauren always got her way, always wore Jennifer down, or sweet talked some authority figure. The R.A. Micheal had a crush on Lauren, and went along with every demand she made, no matter how outrageous.

"I'm going to take a shower." Lauren declared. "Try to keep it down, and maybe clean this place up if you're just going to loaf about?

Jennifer nodded, seeming uninterested. Lauren grinned, feeling that she'd really put Jennifer in her place. Then as soon as Lauren had gathered her things and entered the shower, Jennifer put her phone down and listened intently. As soon as the water started running Jennifer sprang into action...

What's Jennifer up to?

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