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Chapter 4 by sumedokin sumedokin


Day 9 ( Part 2 )

"Another elf is standing just outside, waiting for me to get back from trick or treating. If I could lure him inside, he'd be completely at your mercy!"
This suggestion fired up the monster girls. The orcs squealed and oinked in delight between themselves, while the werewolves panted, and the goblins jumped up and down while giggling madly.
" 'old on there just one second, lass! " one of the orcs said, "Somethin's not right 'bout this. Why'd you do this, to yer own mate? Yer not tryin' to load off some class-A dork or sociopath on us, are ya?"
"Yeah!" a goblin dressed in a half-torn leopard skin bikini top and loincloth jumped up and said, "Classy ladies like us have needs, ya know? Is this little elf of yours really man enough for an entire harem of love-starved monster girls?"
"Is he ever?" Hailey said, "Why just a moment earlier he **** a kiss on me. Out of the blue! If that's not boldness I don't know what is. Honestly that guy is way overdue a girlfriend... or eight. This'll probably be the best thing that could happen to him!"
"Ah, goodness! ‘e's sounds too good to be true!" One of the orcs fidget in elation.
"Holy moley! I can't wait to get my paws on him!" One of the werewolves said, "Although what if he starts hitting on other women like that?"
Another werewolf rested the paw on the shoulder of the one who just spoke, "We just won't give him the chance and keep him locked up safely in our den!"
"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" A goblin drooleed while making grabbing gestures.

"Calm down, everyone! He's not here yet. And he probably won't come here either to be honest. Not unless he had reasons to think he could get lots of candy by going here." As Hailey's plan was coming to fruition she held out her bag expectantly towards the ladies."
"Yer a crafty lil un, aintcha?" One of the orcs cackled as she took out a large bag of sweetmeats and emptied it into Hailey's basket, rendering it so heavy that her arms sank down with the basket.
"Thank you, miss! What a lovely treat that is! Now just wait here, and I'll be back with your treat." Hailey skipped outside, humming to herself, but had to stop when the weighted basket made this too strenuous.
Benjamin was still waiting, leaning against a tree. Hailey walked towards him with determined steps. Time to teach him what it's like getting unsolicited attention.
"There you are, Hailey!" Benjamin said, "What took you so long, I was getting worried. I never should have sent you there alone."
"Relax, Silly! Look, they gave me so much candy!" She raised the full basket to Benjamin, who beheld it with awe.
"...damn! That's some impressive trick or treating. Nice job, Hailey."
"Hehe, yeah. Now I'm interested to see how you'll be doing!" Hailey said.
"M-me? Is that really a good idea?" Benjamin asked.
"A better idea than to skip the houses with the demonstrably best payoff, wouldn't you think?" Hailey pushed Benjamin towards the door.
"Well... all right then. If you insist."
"It'll be fine!" Just put on your best smile, and say trick or treat. Say it like you mean it!"

"Right, I'll do that. But Hailey..." Benjamin said as they headed towards the house, "I... just wanted to say... I'm really very sorry for stealing a kiss all of a sudden."
"Ugh..." Hailey rolled her eyes, "How's this never talking about it again?"
"I know... I know, but... it's really important that you know... I didn't really do that because I.. like you that way, or anything like that. It was just... you're always so cold and distant in the workshop, it looks like you're not getting along with others so easily. And... when you kept me by the leash like that, while it was definitely... kind of disturbing I must admit, I think it was the first time I actually saw you enjoy yourself. And... I guess I wanted to encourage you to be like that more often. And... all of a sudden I found myself kissing you... and I guess I screwed it up, huh? ...sorry."
" know, it's fine if you like me that way... just a little bit."
Benjamin coughed, "No offense, Hailey... sometimes it's hard to know what it is you want."
"Yeah? Well, maybe I don't know what I want. Maybe I just got used to anything I thought I wanted being unavailable to me at all times. Maybe I had to settle with the fantasy of things that I find desirable, without having to think about what having it really would be like?"
"It sounds to me what you need is a partner you trust and care for, with whom you can explore what you want in a safe environment."
Hailey stared at Benjamin dumbfounded.
"...not that I'd suggest that'd be me, hehe. I kind of messed that up quite badly, didn't I?"
"...nevermind, sorry. Let's just get this over with." Benjamin knocked on the door.
"...wait." But it was far too late. The door opened, and dozens of arms reached out and pulled Benjamin inside.
"Aughh! Hailey! Help me! Help!" Benjamin's cries were silenced as the door slammed, leaving Hailey alone in the dark, horrified at seeing Benjamin pulled in like that.
Hailey shook her head. She actually lost Benjamin. Sicked a group of sex-starved monster girls at him to have at their mercy. And why? Because she freaked out over something silly he did?

God damnit! Why did he have to go through with that stupid, uninvited kiss? None of that would have happened if he just kept his lips to himself!
She wouldn't have been so upset and disturbed.
He wouldn't have been captured.
That would have been so much better... right?
Hailey shook her head again. Maybe he would be happy in the arms of so many women. Any guy would love to be in that situation, right?
Hailey began tip-toeing away from the building, and then ran. She was running far away from this whole situation... without looking back.

To be continued...

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