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Chapter 3 by sumedokin sumedokin


Day 29: Conscience [ Blindfold ]

He knows that he should move past Mindie. There are plenty of fish in the sea, better luck next time.
She already found someone with whom she is happy, who is not Kevin, and Kevin simply has to accept that. Even if that someone is a jerk. There is no need to interfere with her happiness.
That is what he is supposed to be thinking... but it's hard. Moving on with someone with whom he had such strong feelings for is hard, and it doesn't help that he sees her every week.
He thought it would get easier in a month or two. It did not.
His final recluse was his waiter job. He still had to work, and when he was working he wasn't thinking about Mindie.

That is, until her boyfriend arrived in his restaurant...
With another woman.
At first Kevin didn't believe what he saw. That couldn't be Axel.
But no, his voice and general demeanour made it obvious it had to be.
Then that had to be his sister, or female friend...
In that case a very close friend, since they were holding hands... and kissing.

Fortunately someone else got to serve them instead, but on his way home his mind was racing.
Kevin would never treat Mindy like that! He couldn't believe Mindy was dating that jerk, and that jerk was treating Mindy like that!
She would be devastated! Even leave Axel on the spot.
In a way, this could be an opportunity, but... is that something he really should be doing? He did commit himself to leave their relationship alone.

At that moment a tiny woman in a red leotard, horns and pitchfork appeared on his shoulder.
"Do it!" She said, "You've been waiting for a chance to get back on that jerk, and to show just how much of a jerk he is. And afterwards Mindy will be devastated... that's when you sweep in like a crying shoulder... an reap that sweet sweet rebound sex!"
An angel appeared on the other side of Kevin's shoulder. She had blonde hair, was wearing a blindfold and holding scales in one hand, and a sword in her other.
Kevin looked at her curiously, "Let me guess, you're going to tell me to talk it out with Alex first?" He asked.
"No... no I am not." The angel said, "I'm not the opposite of her, rather I'm the embodiment of your sense of Justice. And I agree with her. The young lady has the right to know such an important detail about her own relationship and act accordingly. Withholding it will be a suspension of your responsibilities."
"Uh, okay. So both my good conscience and bad conscience are telling me the same thing, is that what I'm getting from it?"
"That is incorrect, young lady." The angel said, "Like I told you, we are not opposites. She is your bad conscience indeed, but as it turns out, good and bad doesn’t account for the totality of human experience. Rather than thinking of me as your good conscience, think of me as your guidance on what is virtuous, if virtuous things can also be considered just things."
"Oh... I'm a guy by the way."
"You are?" The angel said.
"Hahaha! Yeah, that blindfold ain't helping you!" The devil said.
"It is symbolic of justice's blindness to class, race, gender and creed. As a symbol in and of itself I cannot forego it."
"So..." Kevin said, "There is no opposite to bad? Just... bad and just?"
"Nah, I don't have an opposite!" The devil said.
"...but I do." Justice said.
"And that would be...?"

At that moment another angel appeared, wearing an olive branch in her long, red hair that covered one of her eyes.
"That would be me," The angel said, "Mercy."
"Oh... I see, well..." Kevin said, "I was sort of expecting that whatever appeared would carry something, like Justice's sword and scales, that would help me identify her."
"Nah," Mercy said, "I need my palms to be open, so I can offer to pick up my fallen, former enemy."
"Ah..." Kevind said, "Well... I also didn't expect Justice and Mercy to be opposites. You're both so..."
"Good?" Mercy said.
"Virtuous?" Justice said.
"Yeah, here's the thing though; morality is complex."
"Something is good not only because it is good, but because it is good in the context of the situation, society in general, as well as the individual's intentions."
"Yeah, cause I appear most visibly when I beat Justice!"
"And I demand that Mercy takes a step back."
"Except Alex may be a jerk, but he's the jerk that Mandie chose! If you really want Mandie to be happy, then you need to make Alex choose which woman he is committed to! Make him choose Mandie! A relationship as deep and developed as that cannot be afforded to be thrown away so easily."
"Be that as it may, there are two of us and one of you." Justice gestured towards the devil, "Therefore he has more motivation to reveal the affair to the woman."
"Ever heard of quality over quantity?" Mercy said, "Besides, the fact you're on the same side as base desire sort of taints the morality of your idea, doesn't it? It's like, if he's not really choosing it because of Justice, then he's not acting morally! Wouldn't it be better, truly better, to pick the option that is an end unto itself?"
"You would say that, would you not?" Justice said, "After all, you are merely indulging in the need to do good, because doing good feels good. My principle is for the greater good, of everyone. Without me society itself cannot function."
"No," Mercy folded her arms, "You're all about the idea of the greater good! Look, Kevin, if consequences are what matters, then more happy people equals more good! Maybe you shouldn't listen to the chick with the blindfold for directions!"
"Maybe you should think twice before insulting the woman with a sword?" Justice pointed her blade at Mercy.
"Oh, that's your solution for everything, isn't it? Stab the problem with a sword! Maybe if less people were like you then the world wouldn't be such a mess!"
"All right!" The devil said, jumping in, "Cat fight! Go! Go!"

While the consciences on his shoulder duked it out, a fourth incorporeal creature appeared on Kevin's shoulder, this time an obese man in a greasy tanktop.

"Pssst," he said, "I'm your Shoulder Complacency. While they're busy, how's 'bout we get outta here, and masturbate to some mediocre porn while microwaving mac and cheese, until you forgets about this dark business?"
Kevin scratched his chin, "You know what? That's the best idea I've heard all day. Let's go with that!"
And Kevin did do that, and it was good.
And so Kevin lived adequately ever after.

The End!

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