Your Own Gay Sex World

Live through an erotic reality with only men

Chapter 1 by NothingsHere NothingsHere

(Hey, so I'm replacing my first story with a wider scenario that I've had for the longest time. I'll add all the chapters from it to this one before I remove it. I hope you enjoy my weird ass world-building.)

Even with my eyes closed, I know I'm currently drifting through a black void; I died in either some tragic or heroic way (whatever throws me into a truck, I guess.) It's such a shame because I never got to explore my fantasies with anyone. The closest I ever got was head from a quick fling who ended it after I asked for a break. I wish I had more time to share my perversity with even one person.

Suddenly, I feel a warm light on my face and I speed off in the direction I'm facing. I have to open my eyes to see it. I lift my lids to see a house-sized white orb of energy I am hurtling towards. I brace for impact, but my body suddenly slows as I approach. I stop an inch away from the orb, frozen in space. It feels as if the orb won't let me approach unless I want to. Reaching forward, the light streams up my fingertips to my head, gifting me with knowledge.

I now know what I was before: when a universe dies, its spirit world becomes a small husk that drifts through the spirit worlds of other universes. The purpose is to drag in a soul/souls to become the new creator god(s) to create a new dimension. This was how life recycled itself, and now it is in my hands to do it again, however I liked it. I could even managed multiple timelines if I wanted to. I say yes to the orb's invitation and sink into the light.

At first, I figured I would recreate my world and go from there, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Why would I keep such a crummy world with so much suffering? Plus, I didn't care to have any of my homophobic family back, even to get catharsis; I figured them not having me around was enough punishment back in my world. But thinking back to them, I remember the argument they would pull out the most: "Homosexual sex is unnatural because you can't have children! God made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!" Well, I'm a God now. I can craft nature to act however I like. Physics and biology are now beholden to me. My godly lust for men says I should make it so men normally have free sex in everyday society.

I start creating a world where the people will all look like males with no exceptions (sex chromosomes don't differ ever.) I make it so that the colon is now a reproductive organ that leads to a womb (all bodily waste is piss now.) But then I stop and ask myself if I want people to even give birth. While I believe humans should grow and learn, I struggle with people who are ignorant of basic things, logical or social. Plus I wasn't going to involve children in my intercourse-in-everyday-life world. But I also wanted men to breed each other out of love, so I thought about eggs that incubate until manhood.

Finally, I stumbled upon a more fantastical idea for procreation: Men will be similar to plants and use their partner's semen to gestate a seed they will bury after it is "born." Then it will grow into a tree over months or years, which hollows out as it ages, leaving an adult man in the center. Through the light in their sun, I gift them with the baseline knowledge that they will need to survive when they are finished. Finally, like a chick in an egg, the new men bust out of their trunks and they are free to move and speak and fuck all they like.

In fact, humans heal so well that it's rare to see one die from anything other than natural . Their bodies have very stretchy holes that are naturally lubed up for cock. They age flawlessly, looking great with any features and body types they have. When anyone eventually passes (because you don't want to burden them with immortality,) they petrify into a statue their spirit can sometimes visit and commune through.

This was a great start to my reality. I'm ready to plant two seeds named Adam and Steve. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, not sure how else the people will act. I don't find play to be hot, so I decide to make all humans set on cooperation and minimizing conflict through sex. People will emulate and roleplay aggression, but otherwise don't behave in ways that truly harm. Certain people take dominant roles socially and sexually but never take advantage of anyone. Society is egalitarian with little issue, allowing for people to choose whether they want to work (though everyone prostitutes' themselves in trade, so everyone has a freelance.) People are free to look and act however they like, especially since gender and expression are not limited by what's "feminine" here. My men will come together at the end of the day to love each other... they'll also cum together.

I lay out the basics so my instinctual God powers could fill in in-depth details and structure the spiritual world, but I consider whether to skip to a further time and/or if there's a specific fetish I want to base mankind around. I have all the time in my universe.

(Hey, thanks for reading. I'm planning on doing more world-building before I start any scenarios. Anyone wanting to write in should wait until I get that done and make my first few branches.)

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