The Spiral of a Curse

The Spiral of a Curse

People bound to the whims of fate by an app. It will soon spiral out of control.

Chapter 1 by sho1223 sho1223

The website looked like one of those creepypasta threads. Black background, white text.

It came when people were at their lowest, an icon on your desktop that simply read or Justice or whatever you wanted most at the moment. The icon above it a spiral seemingly made of stone, diving deeper and deeper, without end. Upon clicking on the icon, they were brought to the aforementioned creepypasta website.

The lives of men are unclear, inscrutable. Why do some live lives of luxury idly, while others starve exhausted? Why do saints become monsters, misers grow charitable, the weak grow strong, the strong die young? The world is too large to control, a rule applied to one may help, but to all will only lead to pain.

So I offer you the option. What rule do you desire? What one thing would make your life perfect? Know that foolish wishes will only be rejected. Money, power, love, those are children's games, a fantasy of the weak despising their own existence. No, speak your heart's truest wish, the one that will make your life complete. Your most just wish or your most cruel desire. If the gods hear it and smile, it will come true.

But the thing the screen never says, is that the gods are a cruel sort, and that this website only grants curses, not wishes. That when such blanket abilities of power or wealth are taken off the table, the only wishes that remain are based in the moment. And man can never see the future that the wish of a single moment can lead to. A cruel destiny of their own making.

  • Alright, so this prompt is intended to enable me to continue with my branch of the Household Dominance app story. I'm editing it to remove any mentions of the app explicitly, in order to separate it. Wizardman deleted the story, and I don't want to take his idea. If he thinks I'm still too close to his original concept, he can message me. The app will still be based on dominating the household, but the framing will be different, the name of the app will be different. I might post my original chapters sans edits in the future as a separate branch, but I hope you'll allow me to attempt to rework the story to something that at least on the surface bears no firm links.
  • If you are not a fan of slowburn waffling, you can probably just read the first 3 or so chapters, and then move to the chapter The Spiral Deepens. I intend to pick up the pace and eroticism of the story. It might deepen again, but this was always my intention when writing HDA, of showing the protagonist's life before, revealing all of the little details, showing how he flounders, only to then have the app demand his dominance when it went down the cursed app route.
  • In general this story should be about people making a wish only to see the true depravity that their wish inspires. So I'd expect a lot of master/other fetish stuff. This story is set to moderated, so I will allow people to suggest good strong starts. Make your wish and I'll see if the cruel gods smile on you. Link the method of curse and what the main fetish is in parentheses. As stated, I don't want generic "And then I took over the world" prompts or even "I wish my crush would fall in love with me". Think out of the box, think small, or think big but nebulous. Maybe you wish you could see the dreams of all of the people in your town, only to find their dreams have effects on their real lives. Maybe you wish that your mother will treat you like a man, only to realize that you've made your family into a bunch of petgirls. However, make it last, make it spiral out of control, maybe there's a method of control that only serves to make you lose control. Maybe you are offered another wish that only further cements the terrible future you've chosen. Truthfully, it will probably be hard to make forking stories off of this story, but I will leave the option.

What is your wish?

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