The Fantasy Fulfillment Hotel

The Fantasy Fulfillment Hotel

Each room holds a different fantasy for you to explore.

Chapter 1 by H0rnyBuNnY H0rnyBuNnY

You've arrived! You take your first steps into the hotel and the first thing you notice is that for how expensive looking this place is, there seems to be almost no one here. You start to think your choice of a normal button-up shirt and jeans was a bad idea. About ten feet away from you is the receptionist. She appears to be a brunette woman and is wearing a black business skirt that goes down to her ankles, a white blouse, and a pair of glasses. She is standing in an attentive manner behind her desk and is giving you a warm, welcoming, and somewhat eerie smile.

"Hello, and welcome to The Fantasy Fulfillment Hotel!" she says greeting you. "My name for the record is Aileen." the receptionist says pointing at her eye to emphasize the 'Ai' part of her name. "Now, before you're allowed to explore the rooms there are a couple of things we need to go over first."

Aileen pulls out a couple of papers and a pen. It seems to be a legal forum that you're supposed to fill out.

"This is just to make sure you're fully aware of what is in store for you and how we can make your stay here even more enjoyable. I am supposed to warn you however that due to the unpredictability of each room that there is a chance you may end up trapped in a room's fantasy for extended periods of time or even indefinitely." Aileen warns.

You gulp worryingly at that last comment.

"Oh don't worry though, I've heard that if that happens it's not usually horrible." she says like it's supposed to be comforting. "Now that that's settled, just tell me when you're done and you can explore the rooms."

After a couple of minutes filling out mundane information on the forum you reach the bottom of the last page. All you have to do now is just list your gender and name.

How do you fill out the forum?

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