Hucow Farm

Hucow Farm

You and your class go on a field trip to learn about agricultre, but not everything is how it seems...

Chapter 1 by Chunger Chunger

You just turned 18, the last one of all the seniors and Lakeview High, about 4 miles northwest of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You your school uniform over your chest, and after a minute or two, you can finally fit it over you C cup breasts.

โ€œJennifer, I made pancakes!โ€,

comes a voice from downstairs.

โ€œThanks, Mom!โ€, you holler back.

You rush downstairs and have a healthy serving. You scarf down the pancakes, a golden brown, with warm butter and dripping syrup. You grab your back pack, and are on your way to school.

What's next?

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