Downfall of the Teacher

Downfall of the Teacher

How an obsession with my student was the start of me losing everything...

Chapter 1 by RedSquirrel RedSquirrel

Thirty years old... that's the age when people are supposed to get their shit together. Get together with their dream partner, start popping the babies out, career on track, nice house, nice car, white picket fence. Everything sorted.

I'd seen it happen to plenty of my friends. It felt like I was almost there. I'd been with my boyfriend for three years, and as he was a lawyer he brought all the perks of a high income job - a beautiful home, holidays around the world, pretty much all the best things money could bring you. And after six years working as a teacher and impressing the right people I knew I could be proud of what I'd achieved. You'd think I'd be happy, and I was.

Which is why what happened next is such a surprise.... how urges hidden away deep inside me were suddenly woken up. And once awoken I gave up everything I had as I went from a respectable teacher to a cock hungry slut who couldn't say no to her next dick.

Are you sure you want to hear my tale? I should warn you it does include me having lots of sex, generally with people who I really shouldn't have been.

Do you want to hear my story?

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