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Chapter 3 by Rowenar Rowenar

How does Cordelia end up naked?


Cordelia groaned, feeling the familiar pang of one of her visions from the Powers. Something dangerous was coming-

She saw a demon, twice the size of any human, abnormally long limbs and an extended face with teeth pointing outwards. It walked down the street; people screamed, and it pounced with astonishing speed.

The images were flickering, disjointed, but clear enough. It only seemed to be targetting women; Cordelia made a mental note of that. It always helped when she could bring something concrete out of a vision, beyond giant horrifying thing with too many teeth.

The vision flickered again; she tensed to recognise the Hyperion Hotel. That was where she was, that was where the whole team was! She watched it stalk with terrifying silence into the foyer, and hunch over to walk through the corridors.

Past Angel's room, past Wesley's, past Gunn's... That was to be expected, if it only targetted women.

Another flicker. She spotted it coming up on Fred's room, inwardly tensed as she heard Fred's muffled voice. "Anyone there?!"

It took a step inside Fred's room. Another flicker; Cordelia faltered. Fred was in the shower, utterly unaware of the monstrosity right outside. And, huh, she'd never considered using the visions to peep before. She wouldn't have thought the Powers would've been into that.

Still, the image only lasted a couple of seconds. Then she saw Fred's room, and the demon turning around and walking out.

Huh? If it went after women, what set Fred apart? Was it scared of showers or something? Or-

It came up on her room. Thankfully the vision faded the instant after it lunged at future-Cordy.

Cordelia groaned, stumbling forwards. Ok. Not good. Evil demon, due to be in the hotel, going to eat her. And... and not Fred, why was-

She rubbed her forehead, head still aching, as she tried to process everything she saw. A demon that attacked women, but not women in the shower, that stalked the streets and... wait, even outside it had prioritised. It would have gone after any of them, but some always had the chance to run away when there were others who...

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Cordelia said. She stared upwards at the ceiling. "Are you serious with this?!"

The Powers never answered. Cordelia rolled her eyes.

The only women that had any chance of getting away were those in some of the more... daring LA fashions. It still targetted them in a few moments, but only if there was no one else around wearing more. And coupled with it leaving Fred alone...

Footsteps; Cordelia darted over to her door, peering outside; she breathed a sigh of relief to see it was just Angel.

"Give me the peep show on him next time," Cordelia muttered, well aware the Powers probably wouldn't listen. Then, louder, she poke up; "Hey Angel, Angel! New vision!"

She drew her head back into the door. Angel frowned, but approached, quickening his step. He opened the door-

And was greeted by the sight of Cordelia with her pants around her ankles and pulling her top and bra all at once off over her head. The moment she pulled it off of her eyes and spotted him, she yelped; she stumbled forwards, half-tripping over her jeans.

"I didn't invite you in!" she yelped, flailing in a attempt to both regain her balance and gesture for Angel to get back outside.

Uncertain, Angel stepped back. Cordelia stepped out of her pants, leaving herself naked, hastily shutting the door. Angel meanwhile couldn't help but mentally replay the sudden full-frontal glimpse he'd gotten of his friend.

"C-Cordelia?" Angel said.

Cordelia took a deep breath. Carefully, pressing her tits against the door to leave as little room for peeking as possible, she opened it a crack.

"Short version, giant scary demon, kills women, seems to only target them if they're wearing something," Cordelia said. "And I don't particularly feel like getting munched on, hence all this. So, uh, could you kill it? Fast? I'm not going to be putting on a shred until I see that thing's body and know it's not going to be coming after me any time soon."

Meanwhile, in Wolfram and Hart's offices, one Lilah Morgan was sat at her desk, mildly impatient. A mostly human figure sat on a table, eyes closed, forehead pulsating eerily. "I hope you know I'm going to put all the blame on you if this goes wrong," Lilah said.

The creature made a choked, clicking sound. Lilah nodded.

"I know, I know, but we're paying you plenty," she said. "You try getting virgin souls in today's economy."

It clicked again.

"So, let me get this straight," Lilah said. "You can infiltrate the frequency the Powers use to give visions to their seer, and make her see something fake? So long as you're keeping them distracted."

It clicked again, more insistently, pointedly staying in its cross-legged, meditative stance.

"Fine, I'll leave you to it," Lilah said. "So long as whatever fantasy you've constructed will keep their focus."

How well does Lilah's plan go?

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