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Chapter 11 by throbbin throbbin

Should you really take a bath here and now?

Try convincing them to come with you

There's no time to bathe - you need to escape this abbey before someone finds you. You hold the holy sword of St. Magdalena in front of you, showing it in profile to Glenda and this other woman. As they look at the blade you tell them that you have been commanded by the War Mother to take this holy sword to Gerlangen.

The other woman takes great interest in the sword, her eyes tracing up and down its length before she looks back into your eyes and asks, "How can we travel so far without supplies or even clothes? If we leave now we'll all die of the cold... even if we all cuddle at night." You shiver at the seductive way she says 'cuddle', but tell her that staying here is a sentence of a different kind.

The woman cocks her head to the side and asks, "What if there was a way for us to leave this place with all we can carry, perhaps even a mount? But what if that way required trust and certain sacrifices?"

You feel a tingle in the blade and blink your eyes a few times. "First, I would know your name," you reply. The woman smiles and answers, "Xallia". You feel another tingle and shift the blade in your fingers. When the light reflected from the sword passes across Xallia's face her smile becomes slightly strained. She smoothly steps to the side and continues, "There is a way, a technique that will guarantee that no imp or hunter will touch you."

Curious at her reaction, you hold the light on her again. This time her expression changes - no! Her face changes. Xallia sighs and steps back toward Glenda, her skin darkening to a purple hue, her eyes glowing yellow and her head sprouting curving horns. Between her legs you can't help but notice a large and erect cock, strangely unaccompanied by testicles. From your training you're sure this Xallia must be a succubus, a greater daemon and temptress of mortals.

While you are speechless she puts an arm around Glenda's shoulder protectively and continues speaking. "You know I speak the truth. I can ensure safety in your travels." You finally find your voice and ask, "Really? I can trust the word of a daemon? Even the lowliest novice..." Xallia points at the sword and cuts you off, "That blade cuts through to truth. I can't know all its powers but ever since you entered this room its been judging me, watching. No daemon could lie before that blade without you knowing".

You give her a look that says 'fool me once' and Xallia looks surprised. "You didn't know? Why don't you know?" After a pause she continues, "Well, regardless, I can prove it." She pats Glenda and says, "this young woman is clearly of orcish descent." You notice nothing. Xallia cocks her head again, seeming a little exasperated that she should need to explain, "Feel within the sword, listen to me, but concentrate on it - not on my words". She looks around and says, "This chamber is made of bright blue stone. My name is Tammy. My skin is green. This water is ice cold. There are no daemons in this abbey."

By the time she says that the water is cold you can feel it. A discord in the blade when a falsehood leaves her lips. You also know somehow that the feeling is not some trick of Xallia's, it comes from inside the holy sword. She notices your expression and says, "I must be the first daemon to teach a sister how to use the powers of her own sword. Now again I say my name is Xallia. That's not my full name, but it is the first part of it and the name most know me by. I do not wish to fight you. I am a succubus, but I have reason to help you despite my daemonic nature. If you accept you will have to make certain sacrifices, but you, Glenda and I can leave this abbey. No daemon will prevent it."

You feel a harmonious chord within the sword - though it feels... grudging, as if the magic of the blade doesn't want to agree that the daemon is speaking truth. "What did you do to Glenda?" you ask. Xallia gives Glenda another pat on the shoulder and replies, "She is under my spell, but as a sign of good faith I can end that. I believe I have also given her protection from the other daemons, though as yet there is no proof. Oh yes, you know my name, but may I know yours?"

You've never heard of such a cooperative daemon and given the situation and the power of your holy sword perhaps you can trust her... a little.

Learn more about her offer or walk away?

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