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Chapter 4 by Zigurat Zigurat

What will Kazex do now?

Accepting the change

“Okay,” the green-skinned goblin frowned thoughtfully. “I can’t run away from any areas you designate or harm you, but – ‘try anything?’ What exactly does that mean? I wouldn’t mind receiving the specifics as to what that means.”

The red-haired witch’s thin eyebrows rose, disappearing behind her long bangs.

“You’re more intelligent than you look,” her cerulean eyes narrowed.

“I’m a goblin,” Kazex shrugged his broad shoulders. “I know enough about how humans, elves and other races think of us. Not that it isn’t deserved. Stereotypes form for a reason, but I like to think that I’m not atypical of my people.”

“Huh,” the human woman blinked. “In that case, ‘try anything’ refers to any possibility of harming me or disrupting my activities. Or touching me in any way I don’t wish. I’ve dealt with other goblins and their drive to reproduce. I have wondered what ancient witch or wizard created your kind. There are very few species that you can’t procreate with.”

The goblin looked up out of the corner of his eyes, thinking. “All right. I guess I can work within those parameters. I can work with you, but I would like some to pursue my own projects. Speaking of, what is yours? Is there some reason you want me to be your servant, even my being a goblin?”

“I need an extra set of hands in my tower,” Helga said, motioning in the direction of her lair and beginning to walk through the trees of the enchanted forest.

“That’s it?” his eyebrows rose, following the red-haired human woman, propping his spear over his bare shoulder. “No plans for world domination? Acts of **** or the like?”

“No,” the black robed woman glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, a little surprised how slight she had to alter her pace to allow the goblin to keep up. Mentally comparing the shorter biped to his kin she had met, the goblin stood out. More intelligent and with a greater vocabulary, he stood at least two heads higher than the green-skins she had dealt with before and was definitely more muscled. The witch nodded in approval, looking over his tone body and noting the slight bulge beneath the flap of leather that hid his genitals. “I generally keep to myself and focus on my experiments, mostly magical. Occasionally villagers from the hamlets along the edge of the forest visit for charms and advice, trading supplies I can’t collect from the woods.”

“More white than black, eh?” the green-skin stepped over a large tree root, glancing at the woman.

“I don’t think of myself as either,” Helga frowned. She sighed, shaking her head. “It’s not that simple. I practice magic. That makes me different than the – er – average person. Most people don’t like it, especially if I set up in their village. Some cities are more cosmopolitan about it, allowing wizards and witches to set up. I’ve heard there are even academies in a few places. But – I live here. I don’t want to deal with animosity from the locals and – as you can see up ahead – I have my tower there.”

“It’s what – three? – four stories?” The goblin asked, eyeing the nearing stone structure, neighboring trees towering over the balustrade of the round redoubt.

“About that, yeah,” the redhead shrugged. “I’ve reached a point that I can’t maintain the upkeep, focusing so much on my experiments. That’ll be your job as well as attending the door to receive visitors.”

“And they won’t mind dealing with a goblin?” he arched an eyebrow at her.

“You’ll need to wear more than a loincloth when greeting them,” Helga said, “But since no one in the villages wanted the job, they know someone or – uh – something will be present. I told my more frequent callers that a – person – from the forest would receive them from now on.”

“Okay,” Kazex nodded. Interesting, he thought. Serving as an intermediary, offering drinks and dishes, I could slip females sips of my potions, giving myself a chance to breed. I’d need to think out a strategy to prevent outcries from the villages, but – I still have a chance at starting a tribe. The goblin smiled. Very nice.

“Here we are,” the witch stepped up to the door, the portal swinging open at her presence.

“Very – um – nice,” the goblin looked around, following the woman inside. Aside from the stairs that followed the stone wall to the next floor, he didn’t see any other decoration. “May I – give the place some flavor? I have some things back in my cave.”

“You have permission,” the redhead began to stride up the stone steps. “My bedroom and kitchen is up here, and my laboratory is above them. Do not go in my bedroom. I’ll clean that myself. And if I’m busy experimenting, don’t interrupt me. Results could be disastrous for both of us.”

“Okay,” he nodded. “I could put up dividers down here for a bedroom and my own workshop, maybe even a room to welcome visitors – perhaps with a table and chairs.”

The witch paused halfway to the next floor, hand on the wood railing, and looked down at him.

“You are – how do you know so much?” Helga asked.

“Oh, my tribe hosted a researcher from some city somewhere far away for a time,” he explained. “I asked a lot of questions and learned as much as I could from him.”

“Huh,” the redhead blinked. “Oh – I forgot. What’s your name?”

“Kazex,” the goblin smiled up at her.

Some time later…

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