Thank You, Demon King!

Thank You, Demon King!

Your fortress is a place of refuge for those (sexually) repressed, yet the church calls YOU evil. (Shared world with my other story, YPoHH.)

Chapter 1 by Fiftyfiftyfifty Fiftyfiftyfifty

Obligatory Patreon link is here.

Unlike my main story in this setting, this is a more straight forward and linear story about a preestablished demon king. There will be alternate choices, but it won't be as customizable as the others. It's something more simple, where you don't have to worry about clicking Start Game and the story's tracked conditions. I figure it's been a long time since I've done something like that. If you've read the others I've written, you know what my stories are like. Light-hearted adventures with fun, erotic ideas. You may be a Demon King this time around, but this one is no different. Like always, feel free to like/favourite/comment/etc.

Feel free to like/favourite the pages you like most, or even comment, and check out my other stories if you'd like. This story is actually only one in a fantasy world called Absoterra slowly being fleshed out as each story continues. Other stories in the world include: Steamy Stories from Another World | Erotic Dungeon Crawl | A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties

WE HAVE A WIKI NOW! Too many characters to keep track of in this setting? Check out the constantly under-construction reference site here.

North of the Tivera Empire is a kingdom called Varat that has been heavily influenced by its clergy ever since those that introduced it long ago lead the kingdom to prosperity and it has continued to flourish. The kingdom's borders spread far enough to nearly conflict with the empire below, and it would be even larger if not for the desert to the west. Larger cities within have solid infrastructure such as smooth stone roads, magic lights down every major street, and the fighters are strong enough to keep monstrous threats away from the heart of the kingdom.

It's debatable whether or not the religion has anything to do with its current success, or if it even remains stable to this day, but the Church itself will certainly tell you otherwise. One is deemed an outcast when they don't follow its ways, and the Church of Lasis--god of purity, light, and good fortune--has strict commandments indeed. Anything other than strict heterosexuality is shamed. Laying with another individual before marriage is shamed as well. People dress more conservatively, and lewd behaviour is not tolerated. That doesn't mean people don't engage in such activities anyway, but it's largely oppressed, especially compared to neighbouring nations. The Church of Lasis is more than just a religion. It has become completely integrated into kingdom's political roots, to where it feels more like law or the cultural norm than religious practice.

And then there's you. They've titled you Demon King Efrin for your blatant opposition to their ways. Far from the capital, within the monster-infested outskirts, you take residence in a grand fortress constructed with black stone bricks called Raffermir. Double doors lead straight into a large chamber supported by a series of columns leading up to the ceiling. where chandeliers lit by magic candles hang. At the end is your throne--macabre with skull ornaments and a dark red, comfortable cushioning--and that's where you currently sit.

You're taller than most other people you've met, with a wide, strong chest, and an overall athletic figure. Your skin is boldly red, and a pair of horns curl up from your head. Above your ass is a spade-tipped tail that you move as easily as any appendage. Raven-black hair rolls down to your neck. Overall, you're not only powerful in appearance, but attractive as well, and you're fully aware of this. Though, there's no need to **** such things. People come to you, and if they wish to fall for you as well, then they shall, and if they try to kill you, then they'll regret it. Even though you're near the Varat Kingdom, here you are the king, and you're proud of it. Though your appearance alone intimidates many, and radiates sovereignty, you wear attire to match. Your dark pants are finely tailored, and kept up with a badass chain belt. A matching cloak with a high collar covers not only your back but hangs down over your shoulders to your pecs. Your neck is adorned with more than one necklace, and your fingers have multiple rings inlaid with gemstones.

Everything isn't only for show. You truly do possess great physical strength and are skilled with weaponry, but you're also a devil. Fire does nothing to harm you, and your body even feels much more warm to touch than a normal man. However, you also have one specific power that gives you a towering advantage over those that oppose you--the ability to read one's thoughts. Piercing deeper is more difficult, and a trained mind may be able to resist, but loose surface thoughts are an easy matter, and you purposely tell nobody of this fact so that others don't even see it coming.

You peer over all that you have with stunning golden eyes. There are several others in the room with you, standing along the sides, ranging from humans to goblins. Though you don't have an entire country of people, or even an army, those that wish to join are all that you need. Appearances are deceiving. Despite how you look, you're a kind, generous lord that only wants what's best for his people... unlike a certain kingdom.

A gelatinous green blob scurries along the red, gold-trimmed carpet that leads towards the step up to your throne. It moves quickly despite no arms or legs. When it reaches you, it rises up and takes shape. It's a slightly translucent, jiggly girl, obviously unclothed and standing before you--the slime girl, Jilly. She can shape her figure however she desires, and often opts for an ample bosom. Today is no different. Though she's made of slime, she leaves no mess behind her. Nothing burns or stains. She's a solid, Jell-o-like woman, and she's served you for months already.

"The adventurers we spotted earlier have arrived, Lord Efrin. Should we take them out?"

You lift your gaze. As you meet hers, she smiles bright and fiddles with her fingers.

"No." You have a strong, commanding voice. Though, you smile warmly. "Let them inside. I wish to speak with them first."

What do you do?

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