The of Dynasties

or The Student-Sorceress' Sexual Misadventures

Chapter 1 by alyena alyena

Alyena Eregrand. Daughter of the Countess of Kemersi, Lilian Eregrand, and her consort Garrick. Apprentice at the magic academy of Lothiriele, The Arcane University of Eclectic Guidance. Star pupil of Master Inzo, Arch-Enchanter of the AUEG... and Lord Garrick's half-brother, a fact kept quiet around the academy to avoid accusations of favoritism.

Not that those accusations would be false.

What proud uncle doesn't dote on a talented niece? Especially one as intelligent, and... as lovely... as Alyena. She's only recently blossomed into womanhood, but even as a girl, her awkward pubescent years were mild at worst. Even now, her figure is youthful and her form vigorous, her green eyes shining and vibrant. A light dusting of freckles adorns a delicate nose and high cheekbones, flawless peaches and cream skin with a pair of not-overly-full but alluring bow-shaped lips, feminine face framed by lustrous, coppery hair falling past her shoulders in loose waves that protest every effort to either straighten or curl or do anything productive with her hair. The faint glitter of amber flecks in her eyes against the verdant irises and the barely-perceptible point of her ears suggests elvish blood... that's nothing so special in Lothiriele, though. Elvish and half-elf nobles combine to outnumber pure-blooded humans at the royal court, but really, after a few centuries of elvish dominance in the region, even the most backwater bar wench can claim a mingling of human and fey bloodlines.

Aly does wear those elvish trait quite fetchingly, though, so small and slender yet not lacking for curves, with an enviably tight waist, pert breasts sufficient to enticingly tent her uniform blouse, and such a tight, athletic rear one might ponder where she got it from while unable to tear your gaze away.

Oh, not that Master Inzo would ever think such things about his own niece. Of course.

But it is awfully difficult for even such a distinguished - and familial - educator not to sweep his gaze across her form as she puts the finishing touches on the ritual circle she's been drawing for the past half-hour.

"I think I'm finally ready, master!" She chirped, clapping the chalk dust from her hands before placing them on her hips, barely restraining her sense of pride, despite having yet accomplished actually casting her newest spell.

"You think you're ready? You're unsure..?" He teased her. The level tone suggested mocking, but Aly knew well enough that's what uncle's teasing sounds like, especially when they don't have the benefit of privacy and she had to refer to him as 'master' rather than 'uncle'. For his part, Inzo was a handsome man, lean and severe and ageless as any elf counting centuries of life rather than decades. He was neatly groomed, Aly knew, though few of her fellow students could claim to know that beneath the cowl of his hood and the folds of his robes, he was far less mysterious than he presented, being simply an average person... albeit with vast magical powers.

She cocked her head and rolled her eyes toward his direction, grudgingly amending her statement. "I am ready. May I begin, master?" He nodded silently, a slight smile tugging at his lips now, but Alyena had already turned her focus back to the task at hand, the ritual spell she'd been studying these past several weeks. Finally, all the late-night hours of arduous studying would pay off... finally, she'd prove her thesis wasn't baseless after all, and master would allow her to begin pursuing her chosen course of study!

But just what sort of ritual is she casting?

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