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Chapter 2 by alyena alyena

But just what sort of ritual is she casting?

Nothing pervy (probably)! It's just an unseen servant~

Alyena felt her eyelids droop as she stretched out her arms and began to chant - a common reflex as one falls into the meditative focus required to cast a spell, but resisting that instinct is one of the first lessons the academy teaches, and one of the first bad habits a self-taught mage should learn. After all, it's difficult to read the incantation from a scroll or ritual book with your eyes closed, and downright potentially disastrous if you can't see where you're aiming! Never mind some opponent trying to sneak up on you while you're distracted and spoiling your concentration, which is difficult enough to hold even without inviting interruption!

In this case, she was reading the incantation she'd scrawled through the mixture of sand and various ground ingredients spread before her on the floor of the chamber. Inzo watched on, silent but intent, listening to her intonation, feeling the currents of magic gathering in the air, gathering around her fingertips, watching the subtle gestures she made as she weaved the power like invisible threads into a cohesive shape. Inzo knew what to expect... that is, he knew the end goal. His niece - his apprentice - was attempting to mold her magic into an unseen servant. Less a creature than a construct, and invisible and intangible besides, such a spell was still a useful manifestation of its conjurer's will. It lacked any will of its own, and much in the way of strength, but it could still perform a myriad of useful tasks beneath its maker, like tidying up, serving as an extra pair of arms, answering a door when a guest arrived (so long as the guest doesn't spook easily) and so on. Care must be given to the servant's instructions, lest its tidying, for example, grow over-zealous, but the spell can be dismissed at a whim, and expires on its own after a short while anyway.

Of course... gather together a few dozen magically-gifted, libidinous, and privileged teenagers in one spot, and it doesn't take much to get the creative - and other - juices flowing. Rumor has it a summoned servant has kept more than one lonely or adventurous student 'entertained', or even sent to another student's domicile as a sort of lewd prank, and it's not the only such spell 'abused' for indecent purposes around the halls of the academy. Magic hands, charms, and various illusions were all frequently employed, as well as some auras meant to disguise the magic in play from professorial detection, spells to enhance speed and agility for... certain purposes, not least of which included running from a scene, and even more! Lothiriele is a nation of relative peace, and peace inevitably leads to decadent nobility - it's only natural that noble youth would get a head start on their own scandalous behavior while away at school!

And while such behavior might have 'technically' been prohibited, it wasn't exactly discouraged, and barely enforced. If anything, there was an element of playful challenge - you can only get in trouble if you get caught - the perfect mindset to impart upon budding magic users!

But not Aly. She was no prude, but neither was she so swept up in the carefree, irresponsible lifestyle of her classmates. Alyena was a lady of Kemersi, a province on the eastern border, the uncivilized frontier of Lothiriele. The unclaimed wilderness beyond the nation's borders was the domain of monsters and bandits, and it was her family's duty to protect the peace of the kingdom... and as an only child, one day it would be her duty as well. Of course she'd been raised a noble, pampered and privileged, but unlike the other girls of her class, that wasn't all she'd ever known. She'd been taught to lead, and to be compassionate. She'd learned to fight, to defend herself and her people, and how to think for herself, and how to ride and shoot and learn how things work on her own, to reason, to discover... Her mother taught her to be a lady, to be cordial and delicate, but also resolute, how to dance and sing and present herself, but also stand tall, tall enough for any man to take her seriously. And her father passed along his adventuring experience, inspired a sense of wonder in the girl, a desire to rise above her limits.

Sex, for Alyena, sounded like an exhilarating thing that she couldn't wait to try. But it also sounded like something she shouldn't do so casually, not when there were so many complications and consequences to consider. Her school life might very well be a time for experimentation, but more than that, it was a time to learn, to get the most out of each and every professor and absorb as much magical knowledge as she could. She didn't need sex. It could wait.

What she needed, right now, was to concentrate, to will into being the magical servant she'd been spending her past few weeks preparing and practicing and... and..!

There was a rush of wind, powerful enough to blow out all the candles in the room. After a moment, Aly heard the snapping of fingers near her side, and the candles all began to glow with their little flames again, one by one. Master Inzo had relit them all in an instant. "Closer, this time. Tell me, what went wrong?"

Her shoulders slumped. "I let my concentration slip. I was distracted. Again." It was the same thing everytime. It was the most rudimentary rule of spellcasting, but every time Aly had to focus, her mind began wandering in half a dozen directions. It was actually kind of impressive how many thoughts she could juggle at once... but ultimately unhelpful.

Inzo restrained a chuckle, but not a grin. "Distraction, my dear girl, isn't the problem. I've seen inside your mind, child, I know how easily you balance all those thoughts of yours. It's a matter of focus... which sounds similar, but in your case I assure you is very different. Your 'distractions' don't pull you away from the spell. It's more like you... simply get bored. Like the magic is too easy for you. Which it may, very well be, but you ought to prove it by actually succeeding at the spell before you move on to something else, hmm?"

Aly tucked some hair behind her ear as she laughed, embarrassed, unable to deny it. She knew she was ready for more difficult magic - more dangerous magic - but you have to go through the process. The reminder that her uncle had delved into her mind before (on several occasions, actually) didn't embarrass, however. In fact, there didn't seem anything out of the ordinary about it at all. It seemed like the most reasonable thing in the world for one's master to root through one's thoughts, and that seemed to be as far as her mind could follow that trail before circling back around to the start.

"Right, well... I guess I'll get this cleaned up so I can start over..." She began dropping to her knees to sweep up the sand when the older man stopped her with a finger curled beneath her chin.

"That will be enough of that for today, Alyena. I've another task for you,"

And whatever would that be?

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