The Writhing Dark

Elder God in a New World

Chapter 1 by FallenSaint FallenSaint

*DISCLAIMER: While this story is based on the Lovecraftian horrors such as Chtulhu and the R'lyehian language from those stories, this story is set in a completely different world. This is my attempt at what I hope to be a fun story with similar elements, but not outright taking the same characters. Anyone that wants to add to this story, please refrain from trying to add in Lovecraftian creatures. Similar creatures with different names and somewhat altered personalities is fine. I myself have never read any Lovecraft books, but have seen a few shows and games based on them, so this will definitely not be faithful to the original material.*

"Alh Ercks Sha!"

There it was. That damnable chant had been a constant source of annoyance to the Writhing Dark over the years. It's presence, like that of it's brothers and sisters, often invoked a touch of madness to those around it. Humans that were unlucky enough to encounter these beings and survive often formed cults around them. This odd chant was some nonsense language they had invented and apparently was supposed to be it's name. Alh Ercks Sha, The Writhing Dark, was hardly fitting for a god such as it, but it was as close as their feeble minds could come to comprehending what it truly was. Civilizations had rose and fell as it traveled the land. It had found no comfort in being close to humans. They never changed as a species, and individuals broke too easily when he came near. It didn't help that his true form was a mass of constantly twisting and writhing darkness, thousands upon thousands of tentacles of pure madness. He could take a more human form, but containing his aura was nearly impossible. He had yet to meet a single creature that could stand his presence for longer than a few moments without either going insane, or dying from shock. Although it had it's siblings, it was a sad and lonely existence.

Lost on what to do, and tired of the constant worship from the masses, It had confided in one of it's brothers of it's plight. That was when it was presented with a wonderful idea. Slumber. Deep and unending slumber. Perhaps one day it could awaken in a world that was different and find a purpose. Although it did have doubts, it decided to work on that plan. It found a place with a small population of only a few thousand and went to work. It touched the minds of all the people in this "Empire" and impressed upon them the idea of a temple. This temple would be constructed deep underground, with a large chamber at it's center. It had never liked the idea of sacrifices, but for once, it could make use of them. Digging the tunnel, making the large opening underground, and then building the massive temple of stone would take countless generations, but it had time to wait. The people went to work on his desires with an obsession that could have led onlookers to believe it was their own will. Instead, it was a twisted will to provide for a god that only wished to vanish.

Once their job was finished, it had moved in. Once more it had touched their minds with very simple orders. Seal the passage. Let no one ever open it again. Simple indeed, and yet they still did it wrong. The passage was sealed, and several hundred had stayed behind as "Priests" and "Caretakers." In their madness, they had forgotten such necessities as food and air. So for days they had chanted its name. Those were the last words that pierced it's thoughts before it fell asleep....

There was no dream. There was no sound. The Writhing Dark simply drifted in a sea of darkness and silence. It's priests faded and withered into dust, but it heard and felt none of this. The world outside changed as its siblings settled into their own homes and slept as well. The times of madness passed, and humanity began to stand on shaky legs as they learned to live without the Old Ones. Soon, the names of those old gods faded into myth and legend, or were simply forgotten altogether. It knew nothing of what transpired with the world. Days became months, and then years. Thousands passed. Occasionally in it's slumber, a glimmer of thought or memory would pierce to the outside world, and some mad prophet would arise as a witness to its darkness. These men and women were ridiculed and forgotten.

Ten thousand years. That was how long it had slept peacefully. The empire that had built its home had fallen into despair once their god disappeared, and soon those that remained followed it into darkness. Nothing had settled that land for a very long time. People had considered it cursed. But as they forgot their fears, people began to settle the area once more. They had cultivated the land and increased their population ten fold from what the empire had possessed. And now in this modern world, all these minds were slightly touching the slumbering god.


It shifted in it's cold home. Slowly, over a hundred years, it shook off the slumber.

*So much.... life. Not something that I expected.*

It extended a single tentacle through the ruined passage, slipping through the tiniest of cracks and extending out into the world. That small piece of itself was all it needed to touch the greater darkness of the night, and feel the world anew. It was... breathtaking.

*How remarkable.*

These tiny creatures called humans had grown and changed over the years. They were smarter, and more diverse than ever before, yet they seemed so much more connected. It was intriguing. Slumber had dulled it's aura to less than a tenth of it's old power. Time would renew it, but this presented it with an opportunity to walk among them. It slithered through the temple and through the passage. Up it went until it stood at the boundary of a great city that shone with a million small suns. How had they harnessed such blinding light? They rode these odd metal beasts, and wore clothing of such sturdy make. It would have been hard pressed to call these creatures the same as what it had once dealt with.

*Perhaps this will be entertaining.*

Looking upon the city, it selected two, a male and female, and studied their forms. Within the span of a few moments, it twisted itself into one form, and then the other, testing these new shapes before deciding upon the male form and setting off into the city. There was so much to see and hear. The language had changed again, so it touched a few minds to learn. He, it reminded itself. Humans use these silly labels. It would need to use "He" and "She" in the correct forms, though it was truly neither. For three days, he wondered the city, drinking in all that he could. So many advancements these simple creatures had made, and he wanted to see them all. But after such a long slumber, he didn't have the same stamina as before. He had wondered into an odd shop as his fatigue started to settle in. Dizziness and hunger surged through him, and he felt numb and staggered for a moment before dropping to his knees.

"Are you ok?"


He had unconsciously surged his mind towards the person that had addressed him, and instantly regretted it. Even in his weakened state, it would be lethal to a human to unleash his mind upon theirs in such a way.

"Well that's weird... That was you right?"

*What?* he thought again, this time looking up at the young woman speaking to him. She was short by human standards, with long hair the color of ravens and done into "Pig tails." Her skin was somewhat pale, and accentuated by the black lipstick and eyeliner she wore. He touched her mind again, and felt the word "Goth" pierce his mind. It seemed that this "Goth" was a form of aesthetic that she had chosen for herself.

"Holy shit, it is you! I hear you in my mind!"

*The fact that you seem unaffected is rather odd.*

"Says the guy pushing his thoughts into my brain. And do you mind pulling back a bit? I swear I feel you probing me in between words."

*You "feel" that? That shouldn't be possible.*

"You say that, but then do this weird shit while saying it," she said with a genuine smile. "So who are you?"

*Alh Ecks Sha. That is what my priests would chant to invoke my will.*

"I don't think I can pronounce that, let alone chant it. Right, so I'm calling you Alex."

*Alex? That will suffice.*

"So weirdness aside, are you ok?"

*I am hungry. I need sustinance.*

"That's fairly ominous," she laughed. "What do you eat?"

*I feed off of sanity and madness. But... Somehow, touching your mind seems to fill me. May I touch more?*

The young woman shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and Alex could feel her hesitation. Although she had asked him to pull back his probing earlier, he had kept a mental link somewhat open between them the whole time. The fact that she hadn't already broken was astounding, and he saw potential with her that he had never felt before. After a few moments, he felt a change in her thoughts.

"What the hell. This is probably the most metal thing I've ever encountered. Might as well see it through."

*You have my appreciation, and my apologies if this kills you.*

With that, Alex opened up the link and mental tentacles twisted across her senses. He saw the girl sway and start to drop to her knees, but he rose and surged forward to caught her. Her life flashed through his mind as he fed. Her name was Penelope, but she had hated that name and went by Pixie. She was twenty-three and worked most nights alone in this "Sex shop," and lived alone in a one bedroom apartment. Her favorite food was...

Alex turned his attention from the waves of information to study the girl in his arms. Her eyes were rolled back in her head and her pulse was racing. But he didn't feel as if he was damaging her in the slightest. In fact, he noticed a few oddities. Her breathing had become labored, but she had a slight smile playing at her lips. Heat was pulsing through her, and he felt a strong sense of "Desire" from her. It was the first time he had found someone that became aroused from his mental feasting. It was such a novelty to him that he spent several moments observing her before he finally pulled the mental tendrils back and allowed her to rest.

"T-that was intense," Pixie said as she slowly regained her senses.

*Indeed. And yet... You are fine.*

"You sound shocked," she said as she smiled up at him.

*For the first time, I truly am. Interesting. I want to know more of you.*

"I think I'm open to that. But I need answers. Who and what are you?"

*I am the Writhing Dark, the one that devours all thought and light. And I want you to be my new priestess and help me explore this interesting new world. In return, I will tell you everything of myself.*

"Everything huh? Well, I still have a few hours left of work and no one to talk to. I guess we have a deal."

Is Pixie really unaffected?

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