Sympathetic Magic

The Prima Materia

Chapter 1 by mespot mespot

Feel free to contribute pages! I could really use some help in writing this, considering the expansive scope planned. I've built most of the framework already, so jump right in! - Mespot

First Name: Your main character's name, John.
Last Name: Your affection target, or otherwise, Doe.

The feeling of cold stone on your naked flesh jolts you awake.

You look around, confused. You blink a couple times and realize you're in a cave. The dark walls are faintly illuminated by what is presumably sunlight glinting through holes several feet above your head. You can't remember if you came here alone, or how you got here at all.

Wait. Naked flesh. You look down.

You're naked. How the hell did that happen?

Oh my god. Were you ?

"Hahaha!" A voice echoes from down the cave. "No, of course not, John. Not with this faulty plumbing."

A man approaches you, with a long, white beard, wearing purple robes with planets and stars on them.

Fuck. You've been by a Dumbledore cosplayer.

"Not quite that, either, no," he says. Was he reading your mind?

"In a manner of speaking. The resonance in this cave is quite nice, isn't it? So nice, in fact, that yes, I can hear the whispers in your head. Forgive me, though, I won't intrude there anymore."

You finally speak. "Who are you?"

He grins, and takes a step fully into the light. You finally notice that he has no eyes. He has strange siguls drawn over his forehead and cheeks, some in the shape of eyes, though. He was going all out here.

"I am... Well, that's a tricky question. I guess I'm an applied physicist, of sorts. It's complicated. I can read the prime foundation of the universe, and manipulate it. I'm a will worker, as it were, and it was, and is. Right. Now, then, you're probably wondering why I've brought you here. Not to you or have my way with you, or anything of the sort, of course not. To gain this knowledge, I had to make certain, er, sacrifices, and one of them was my connection to the carnal, vulgar world that I miss so much." You could almost see tears in his eyes.

"Yes, I would appreciate knowing," you ask indignantly, "I would also appreciate some clothes, if you don't mind."

"Well, for the moment, I would, actually, because I have a few questions I'd like to ask."

"Um, alright," you say, nervously.

First things first, John, what is your gender?

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