St. Herma School

A 'Specialised' school

Chapter 1 by sofly sofly

A new home and a new school. Being the quiet, anti-social person that you are, your parents were fed up with you staying in your room all night and not socialising. They gave you chances but along with you not making any friends, your grades also dropped. That was the final straw. They were sending you away to live away at a private school called St. Herma, they talked about how it would help you gain confidence and meet new people, whilst achieving good grades, however you saw this as them shipping you away so that they could finally be alone.

St. Herma was at least 200 miles away from your hometown and in a way you was glad, looking past your parents selfish decision you knew there was more to life than staying in your room playing games, not socialising. You were nervous of course, but this was an opportunity to reinvent yourself and become the 'hero' you've seen in the countless anime's you have watched.

With your only possessions that fitted into a small suitcase and the rucksack on your back, you looked around your room knowing it would be a long time before you stepped foot back here. Hearing a car horn beep outside you made your way outside. Your mother met you outside, tears in her eyes she hugs you, "This will be great for you, darling" she sobs, looking at the redness of her eyes you realise she really does care about you, but sending you away seems to much. "Thanks mum, I'll do my best" you say, a soft smile appearing on your face as you enter the car throwing your luggage on the back seat.
"Ready, son?" your father asks reversing not even waiting for your reply, you thought it was rather sad not having to say goodbye to anyone but family but in a way it was your own doing.

The drive to the coach station was quick, you made small talk with your father whilst you took in the sights of your town, sights you wouldn't particularly miss. Arriving at the coach station you took your luggage and shook your fathers hand and check in on the coach, "Do us proud, son!" he shouted as the driver took your suitcase and you entered the coach. Tired from the restless sleep the night before you closed your eyes as the coach began its journey towards St. Herma.

You arrive Sunday night

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