Role Reverser Tales

A worldwide staus quo shakeup

Chapter 1 by Galvan Galvan

Inspired by Some TG Captions' series:

People are pretty predictable. Sure there's a lot of details that make us unique and special, but if you needed to describe someone's look and personality in one to three sentences it's not hard. What if that person was to change, to invert, based completely off that summary? That's what the role reverser was. A worldwide supernatural event caused everyone on the planet to have at least two defining attributes of theirs to be "reversed."

One or more physical attributes of theirs was changed (some short people became tall, some fat people became thin, some men became women and vice versa) and everyone was given was given at least one mental compulsion. Their minds weren't changed, rather they were given a feeling of large discomfort and in cases pain if they didn't follow the compulsion, only subsiding when they went through with it (a macho man might need to dress girly to avoid headaches, a woman who refuses to wear skirts might break into hives if she tries to put on pants, etc.). Each change is different for different people, with some being simple and easy to manage, while others being complex, multifaceted, and . Luckily, most world leaders and politicians got some variety of the mental change "actual do your job and look out for the good of your fellow man instead of your personal bottom line" so programs were instated to help those with cases that would require money, assistance, and/or infrastructure to follow their compulsions.

Now the only thing left to do is adapt, and these are the stories of people doing so.

What's next?

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