Messages from Mal0

Messages from Mal0

SCP-1471 has installed itself on your phone. There is no escape.

Chapter 1 by FlatCap90210 FlatCap90210

Boredom is one hell of a thing. It leads you to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. Like download a strange social app called MalO ver1.6.9. "You'll never be alone again" is certainly a ambitious tag phrase, so let's see... Aaand it immediately disappears after you install it, leaving you to wonder if you just bricked your phone with a virus. But no scan brings up any untoward changes - or the app itself. You decide to leave things be. Probably a strange attempt at trolling, putting an app that uninstalls itself immediately on the store.


*DING* *bzz-bzz*

Three hours later, however, you are surprised by a notification. Even on the lock screen, you recognize the icon of the app that you thought uninstalled itself. Weirded out, but intrigued, you unlock your phone and tap the notification - and nearly spit out your coffee. You have received a photo of the shop you get your beans from once a month, with the usual hustle and bustle. That alone is strange enough, but right there, in the doorway that leads from the sales room into the back - stands a monster.

You don't know what else to call it. The face is the most horrifying part of it, a blank, stark white, and entirely fleshless canine skull, milky white eyes staring at you from under a shaggy mane of long, black hair, triangular ears poking out from the top of its head. Although you have to remedy your choice of pronouns pretty much immediately: The magnificent tits the thing presents by lifting them with both hands, leaning forwards to show them off better, definitely place it on the feminine end of the gender spectrum. Even though they, like the rest of her body, are covered in shiny, black fur. Just like the tail raised behind her, just visible behind her head.

You can also see that her hips are spectacular, wide and soft and leading to thighs you would love to sink your fingers into, were they human. In short, the thing looks like the perfect woman to you - if it weren't for the fur and, you know, the skull instead of a face.

But the worst of it all is the message at the bottom of the picture.

< Hello, John. I'm so glad you downloaded my app. I look forwards to meeting you very soon. Love, MalO <3 >

How do you react to that?

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