Lydia Steelthigh

First steps south

Chapter 1 by MardukeTheRaven MardukeTheRaven

Lydia cursed abhorrently under her nose. Those stupid guards at border post have not only thoroughly "searched" her (simply put, groped the hell out of her) but also took most of her coins for some stupid permit to enter this silly kingdom. Up in the north you fought for every permit!

At least the weather here wasn't as cold and the first town she would visit was not too far away. With a bit of slower pace she was able to get to the gates in less than two hours. The town itself served as more of rural outskirts to a small castle nearby. A perfect place to find first set of her new adventures!

A small wooden gate and two ligthly armored and spear-wielding guards were the only thing between her and the town... and a tavern finally.

Does Lydia get through the gate unbothered

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