Back to nature

Back to nature

Stories from beyond the apocalypse.

Chapter 1 by Caelum83 Caelum83

Almost nobody knew what year it was. For most people it didn’t matter anyhow people lived day by day and because of the catastrophe, earth didn’t have seasons anymore. What the catastrophe was or what triggered it, it all was forgotten through generations. There were vague stories about people living in tall buildings, having easy access to something called electricity and were able to move around in things called cars. They had metal boats as big as mountains and had the ability to fly in huge metal birds. The stories go that most tellings of those times were gone when men couldn’t create electricity anymore and other tellings, those written on leaves and something called paper, vanished over time. Lots of things changed over time, so the stories tell. Mass production stopped being made possible, people had to get their own food. Big cities could not be sustained. After a while, people’s clothing decayed and because of the tempered climate, people stopped wearing them altogether. Humans went back to living in small tribes, focused on primary needs again and nature went to take back what it had lost.

*All my stories are public now, so add to your delight and imaginations! *

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