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Chapter 3 by BlueGreenes BlueGreenes

What do I do?

Risk it.

The best arguments are the ones your opponent made.

"Well, would that really be such a bad thing?" I say thoughtfully.

"Is threatening women's virtue a good thing?"

Her question sounded genuine, not sarcastic. That might be the sign I'm going in the right direction. I still have no idea where that direction leads though.

"Just think about it. Those girls are constantly causing problems. They've failed everything they've attempted so far. They've just never had discipline. But if they were put in their place every now and then, they'd have to behave."

I can't believe I'm saying this. It makes no sense. I don't even intend to do anything like that and I'm making it sound like I'm about to go around groping girls left and right.

And yet, her eyes seem to lose focus, just a bit. It's not enough yet, but I think it's working. I need to keep going.

"Besides, the students aren't the only ones who need to be put in their place. Those teachers keep quitting one after the other. If we made sure they're kept in check too, they'd be a lot more compliant."

"Threatening the teachers' virtue... makes them more compliant?"

Her voice sounds increasingly curious, like she's learning something crucial for the first time. Her eyes are almost as glazed over as earlier. And I feel something pulling inside of me, I think it's those points about to be used. It's a lot stronger than last time, since this is a much larger leap in logic than before. Just a little bit more.

"Well, yes. Haven't you heard about all those companies that are exposed for doing that? They're extremely successful, and they've been doing it for years. There has to be a reason. It's just common sense after all."

"Yes... common sense. You can stay... and threaten their virtue..."

-30BS. 60 remaining.

Oh god, that was so much more than last time. I feel myself drained of energy for a moment, and I see her face go fully blank for a second, before coming back alive. Still cold, but a lot less predatory. She still doesn't like me, she still doesn't feel like she has to be nice to me. But she's gained some respect for me. Like a wolf looking at an eagle. I'm not her ally, but instead of being helpless prey, I'm now a fellow predator.

"Well, I admit your reasoning is sound. I will accept to keep you for the semester, as a trial phase. We'll see if there are improvements in a few months. If you're not up to the task, I will have to find someone else to threaten women's virtue. It is a crucial task, after all."

Huh? Someone else?

Oh, right, I just said she needed someone to threaten virtues, and that being a man was a plus. I never gave any argument about me specifically being good for it.

Speaking of, I never actually specified what I meant by "threatening virtues". I mean, it's pretty clear to me that it's code for "grope", even though I don't actually intend to do that unless I'm absolutely sure they wouldn't mind (I may be a perv but I'm not a sex predator). And while it's obvious at this point that this app did... something. It's hard to know exactly how much it changed the situation. Does that mean Ellen would be fine with me groping her? Probably not. I only talked about students and teachers, not administrative staff. Would those be fine with me groping them, then? Well, it's hard to say. The app says it can affect other people in the vicinity, but I'm not sure to what extent. Maybe they'll think it's part of the job but they still won't like it?

And what about my responsibilities? Will Ellen be angry at me if I don't grope enough people now?

God, this is just crazy. I need to look at this app again.

"Well, if this is all you wanted to discuss, there is no need for you stay."

I look at her with confusion in my eyes. I got completely lost in thought for a minute there.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about how to best start working on those new responsibilities of mine. Have a good day, Ellen."


Friendly as ever.

What do you do next?

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