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Chapter 2 by Cyberweasel89 Cyberweasel89

Who are you?

Grimlett the Unseen, fateful thrillseeker

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You are Grimlett "the Unseen." A master archer and wandering thrillseeker, you would gladly throw your life to the dice and would happily try a poisonous dish to see if you live through the experience. You ended up betting your freedom on a lucrative game of cards and are now enslaved.

Sex: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human
Height: 5'10" (178cm)
Build: Toned
Penis Size: Large
Skills: Archery, bowyering, fletching, stealth, dexterity, evasion, aim, eyesight, hearing, tracking, horseback riding, horseback archery, animal handling, wild animal empathy, hunting, climbing, tumbling, escape artistry, trap disarming, trap making, subterfuge, skulduggery, bluffing, gambling, sex, poison resistance, buff magic, cursed cloak (soulbound)
Personality: Dominant, rougish, scoundrel, charming, tease, wily, gadfly, smug, snarky, sarcastic, recklessly brave, witty, cunning, opportunistic, deceitful, underhanded, streetwise

Who is your new master?

Who buys you?

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