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Chapter 2 by SophieUK SophieUK

Can we build up a picture of her hidden depths, both past and present?

A friend's son...

Sophie had made friends with Izzy and Laura on holiday. It was unusual for Sophie to go on holiday without her children but on this occasion her ex-husband had asked to take the girls away with his girlfriend. Since it was his much younger girlfriend, Sophie had been annoyed and obstructive at first, but had relented and seen it as an opportunity to do something she normally wouldn't, to take advantage of being 'single' again, for once. So the adventure holiday, in a far flung place, with a group of like-minded people had transpired and, much against her normal nature, she had swapped details with Izzy and Laura at the end.

She had ignored the invitation to visit Izzy in her farmhouse at first but was slowly worn down by her insistence and by Laura's enthusiasm for 'a weekend away from the routine, fueled by Prosecco'. Laura had always found a way through her defenses on holiday and her charm worked again, resulting in 'the girls' meeting up again in the depths of Devon.

Sophie arrived first and was initially hopeful, when her hesitant knock at the front door wasn't met for a while, that maybe she could get out of this after all. However, just as she was about to turn and go, the door was thrown open by a beaming Izzy who threw her arms around her enthusiastically. With a beaming smile she apologized and beckoned her inside. Sophie was surprised to find a young man seated at the rough pine kitchen table that was the center piece of the rustic kitchen, she had thought the three of them were going to be alone for the weekend.

Izzy didn't make much of an introduction but the young man was introduced as her son. He didn't raise his eyes or really acknowledge Sophie's arrival. Shy maybe, surly possibly to the point of rudeness but Sophie shrugged it off as she sat and engaged Izzy in conversation; the details of her journey down, what she had been up to since the holiday and the like. The son sat there for a while but didn't join in. Sophie was surprised at his appearance. Whereas Izzy was amazingly petite and red haired, the son was tall and broad, with short black hair. His arms were thickly muscled. He clearly worked out. A lot. All in all, not that she was interested, not her type at all. Not least because he was probably 20 years her junior and her friend's son.

She wasn't disappointed when he stood and left brusquely, with not even a word to his mother. Izzy for her part just raised her eyebrows and muttered 'girlfriend trouble'. It turned out that he had just split from his girlfriend and had moved in for ' a few days' until he sorted things out.

It wasn't long before Laura turned up, thankfully, and with much giggling and hugging they prepared dinner together before settling in around the huge fire. Inevitably, the promised Prosecco started to flow and the evening descended into wine-fueled reminiscences of their holiday together, bawdy talk of the men in their life, or the lack of them, and such. The other girls were into their horses (not something Sophie had experience of since she had left school) and sometimes she drifted off to her own thoughts as they exchanged tales of 'hacking'.

Her ears pricked up at one point when Laura started talking about how she really wanted to ‘try it bareback , naked up to the waist, in the surf’. They saw the look on Sophie’s face and explained, giggling, their intentions to go riding on the beaches of Argentina next year. Saddles were optional, apparently, and Laura wanted to explore the al fresco aspect of riding! Sophie flushed at her innocence but they passed over it although, knowing them, they would rib her about it at some future point.

Overall, the evening was fun. More fun that Sophie had expected, but she drank more than she normally did and was rather unsteady when she took herself off to bed. The house was cold but she stripped down to just her panties before she snuggled down beneath the heavy quilt. Drunken sleepiness swept over her but there was a warm glow as she slipped her hand inside her panties. Not wanting to masturbate, it was comforting to cup her sex and stroke softly as she slipped away into the arms of Morpheus.

Some time later, she awoke in the pitch dark of her unfamiliar surroundings and it was a while before she took stock of where was. Still a little tipsy, she remembered she was in Izzy's house. She also felt a **** need to pee and stumbled from her bed. Failing to find the light switch she somehow got the door to the unfamiliar bedroom open and stumbled along the landing to find the bathroom.

She was disorientated and couldn't quite remember where it was, so tried to be stealthy and gather her thoughts as she felt her way along the dark passageway. She tried the first door on the left but was disappointed when her outstretched arms touched towels. She had discovered a laundry cupboard. She giggled but then, self conscious, tried to stifle it as she squeezed her thighs together since the laughter only made her need to pee worse.

The next door was no better. Clearly not a bathroom,. As she squeezed her legs together desperately and her eyes adjusted to the gloom she slowly made out a bed, and the shape of someone in the bed. Actually, on the bed. She held her breath, horrified, when she realized it was the shape of a man. A naked man. A very muscly naked young man.. Her hand went to her mouth when she realized it was Izzy's son. Instinctively, her other hand went to cover her naked breasts as she backed out of the door, hoping he was still asleep.

A little sobered by her experience, her heart beating fast in her tiny chest, she backed along the wall, feeling for a handle with one hand behind her as her other covered her tiny boobs. She kept her eyes firmly fixed on the son’s open doorway, lest he come out and discover her like this.

This time she struck lucky, a quick glance over her shoulder revealing the ghostly shapes of white enamel in the otherwise dark room. She practically ran inside, her hand clenching her groin to contain herself now that she was so close. She quickly tugged her knickers down and peed vigorously with a sigh of relief, her eyes firmly on the open door, her only source of light.

It seemed to go on forever but finally, relieved, she was able to stand, somewhat unsteadily. She dabbed herself dry but hesitated to flush in the middle of the night, instead exiting the bathroom and cautiously making her way back to her room. She held her breath as she tiptoed slowly past his room again, and then broke into a trot, leaping into bed and giggling like a girl under the covers. Images of his naked body came unbidden, and that warm glow spread again, but drunken sleep soon overtook her.

Sophie awoke next morning with a banging headache and a parched mouth. Once more, she was initially a little disoriented at finding herself naked in an unfamiliar room, but then it came back to her. She lay there, collecting her thoughts and making a plan. Although breakfast wasn’t appealing she knew she had to eat. However, she felt hot and grubby, so she decided to clean up first.

She wrapped a towel around herself to conceal her modesty and made her way to the bathroom. Once outside her room, some of the events of last night came back to her so she scuttled past the son's room, just in case.

The bathroom was dated. Lots of wood paneling encased the white enamel bath and the toilet. A pair of discarded tiny white panties lay crumpled at the base of the toilet. She flushed red in embarrassment and scooped them up hastily. The shower was modern but set inside the paneling almost like a cupboard. She draped her towel on the towel rail as he looked at her body in the full length mirror, liking what she saw, the muscles on her biceps shaped from her personal training sessions, before she slipped inside the cubicle. Soon the cascading hot water started to refresh her and make her feel more human as she shampooed her hair and soaped her body all over.

After a few minutes, she happened to turn in the shower to rinse her back and almost jumped when she saw a dark figure in the bathroom, looking at her through the glass of the shower door. Her hands moved to cover her boobs and fanny as she recognized Izzy’s son.

“Excuse me!”, she exclaimed, hoping to encourage him to look away. Instead his stare locked into hers. he looked down to where her sex was hidden. Flustered, she turned her back to him, acutely aware that he could now see her bottom, but she needed to rinse the shampoo from her hair if she was going to do anything to get out of this.

“Please?”, she urged as she rinsed, “if you don’t mind?”.

He said nothing and she wondered if he’d left but when she turned she found him standing there still. Full of bravado, Sophie pushed the shower door open and with as much dignity as she could muster, strode to her towel. She didn't mind if he saw a grown woman naked, she reassured herself. Did she?

“Honestly!”, she exclaimed to him, reproachfully, before she quickly covered her nakedness and bustled out of the bathroom and back to her room.

Once back inside the safety of her room, she toweled herself dry. Initially she was annoyed but as her breathing slowed she saw the funny side of things. In fact, she reflected on the way the young man had looked at her body and it gave a silly little thrill. She remembered seeing him last night and was quite distracted at the thought of her seeing him, he seeing her, wondering what he thought of a woman old enough to be his mother, naked like that.

‘What a weekend!’, she muttered as she rummaged in her overnight bag for fresh underclothes.

“Are you looking for these?”

A man’s voice from behind startled her and half turning, she saw Izzy’s son proferring a tiny pair of discarded white panties from the bathroom. She must have dropped them in her haste!

Sophie, conscious of her nakedness once more, turned away, lost for words. Suddenly she felt large hands clasping against her tiny breasts as he covered the short distance across the room and pulled her to him. She was acutely aware of the size difference as the boys large body loomed above her, and that her nipples stiffened against his rough palms.

“Please!”, she exclaimed, but his hands roamed down her body then up again, before moving down to her slim hips. She turned to remonstrate with him but realized she didn’t even know his name and was standing **** and naked before him.

He towered over her and she had to crane her neck to look upwards. His eyes were all over her. Devouring her body. He pushed her gently backwards so she sat on the bed. His eyes fixed on her as he unzipped his fly and her eyes flicked to where his hands busied themselves. He soon freed his cock and Sophie’s eyes went wide. It was erect and enormous. She had seen plenty of cocks in her life, of all shapes and sizes, but nothing like this. It was not only long, but wide.

These thoughts were foremost as he pushed her onto her back to hold her down on the bed and cover her with his body. The tip of his cock pressed against her but there was no way in, given his size and her ****.

“Please no”, she was firm into his ear as he pushed, and she was pleased when he stood up, thinking her words had struck home. However, her triumph was short lived as he tugged her to her feet and span her around. Hands braced on the bed, her bottom was soon poised in the air and she thought for a second he wanted to take her there, but with one strong arm he yanked her higher into the air and she felt his cock pressing at her pussy once more. She tried to push it away with her hand but he was insistent and the head started to find its way in. Her body had betrayed her, she realized, as her slick cunt made his entry easier.

Her next thought almost made her laugh in the midst of her predicament as thoughts of a bareback horse came unbidden. It was the sheer size. She felt he might split her but otherwise it was to be the ride of her life. She couldn't help it and she laughed out loud only to find this encouraged him and he **** his way in, making her squeal. It hurt as he stretched her.

He lifted her higher, clasping her little bottom to him as he buried his cock deep before withdrawing and plunging again. Sophie grunted, held like a rag doll in his strong arm as he humped her from behind a he held her in the air, bent double. Harder and deeper he pushed each time and her cunt widened and moistened to accommodate him, easily swallowing his tool as she opened wide to her young stallion. Her eyes rolled and she panted as she conjured images of horses fucking as he he rode her hard until with one final push she was shoved face down into the quilt. Smothered, she felt his cum spurt deep inside her as he held her still. ‘Bareback’, she smiled to herself, gasping for breath in the covers.

He stayed deep until he had emptied himself fully inside her, then withdrew. Sophie was poised motionless, face down, her bum up in the air as she wondered what was next.

As if to answer her, there was a hard slap on her bare little bottom as she heard him zip himself up.

“Nice arse!”, as he slapped her again, harder, and turned to go.

The only words he spoke.

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