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Chapter 2 by NotoriousKnave NotoriousKnave

Where does it hurt?

Your eyes

Your head begins to pound in a series of waves, eyes throbbing in pulses that intensify by the second. You **** your eyes shut and grip the sides of your head, groaning once more. You hear the nurse quickly say "Uh - I'll go get something for that. Hang on--" and the sound of a door shutting.

With each pulse of pain you experience, you begin to see flashes of color behind your eyelids. Alternating visions of bright green and white seem to go off, filling every sense, eyes open or closed. You cover both closed eyes with your hands to no avail. This is the most bizarre experience of your life.

You hear Nicole re-enter the room. "Okay, uh, I have some i-prin for your headache. Take these." Slowly, you open your eyes, and there she is, right over your face, holding a bottle of pills, and you both gasp at the same time.

Your entire vision is colored in bands of green and white, beginning in the center of your eyes and expanding infinitely, slowly, like wet ink spreading down a piece of paper. The nurse's face is incredibly detailed, sharp beyond belief, and everything else beyond her is shaking, buzzing slightly, like there's static in the air. She is staring down at your eyes. The bottle clatters to the ground. "Your... your eyes... wh...?"

The throbbing becomes a dull, constant pain, but you're not paying attention to that. You're staring at the woman before you, and you find it incredibly hard to look away, like a connection binds your eyes together. You assume (correctly) that she feels the same. Her jaw slowly drops as her eyes widen, and she unknowingly draws closer to your face. You can see the tension and shock ease from her face.

You widen your own eyes, turning your head slightly to one side. She slowly mimics the movement. You turn to the other side, and she follows you. She hovers in front of your face, eyes impossibly wide and mouth hanging unattended. This goes on for a few minutes as you slowly experiment - you even notice a small strand of drool forming at the base of her full lips. She is enraptured by your eyes.

At once, you realize just how aroused you are.

What now?

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