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Chapter 4 by Cyberweasel89 Cyberweasel89

Where do you meet her?

Pendragon Castle

You have to admit, you were surprised when Tercorrin Treebowyer put a leash and collar on you and took you out of Human Consignment like a man walking his dog.

Okay, that's not quite what happened. He explained he was taking you to your new master, one who'd in fact already purchased you, but it was more fun to think of it like this.

Even stranger, though, was the fact that Tercorrin was taking you there, rather than the buyer coming to pick you up and making the payment there. A pre-payment and personal delivery? What the hell kinda person bought you? Someone rich, maybe?

That was actually what you were hoping for when you chose to be sold into slavery when you were finally caught, despite your minor rep sheet. Years of living on the street through stealing and trickery, all after escaping that shitty orphanage... It was a calculated risk, but you hoped for a master who'd pamper you like the cute pooch you were. An easy life in the lap of luxury as a spoiled noble's pet would be ideal. Yeah, it was a longshot, but you felt it was worth a shot. Even if it wasn't some rich noble, you might end up with a loving family who'd buy you for their daughter or son or something.

Still, as high as you were reaching... you weren't expecting Tercorrin to personally escort you to Pendragon Castle!

As Tercorrin leads you across the stone bridge suspended over the castle moat, a knight walking by bows to him. Probably recognizes him as a noble and the wealthiest **** merchant in the Capital. As the fancy elf with the feather in his cap reaches the front gate, the guards tap their spears to their helmets in salute.

"Hail, Tercorrin Treebowyer of the noble House Treebowyer! What brings you to Pendragon Castle?" the one on the right, a foxfolk lady knight, asks.

"Here to deliver a **** that the chancellor purchased. I believe her owner is registered as Princess Ellie Estelle Pendragon?" Tercorrin asks, grinning.

The guard on the left, a male centaur knight, nearly facefaults. "Princess Ellie?!"

"Hang on, Gurdo," the fox woman says. "I heard about this. King Pendragon wanted a pet for his bedridden daughter, right? Head on in, Sir Treebowyer."

The gate opens and Tercorrin heads inside. The centaur calls "Head to the right! It's a receiving area! The chancellor should come for you soon!"

Your tail wags. You can't believe your luck! A pet to a princess! You couldn't have asked for a better master! Or, wait... What if she's one of those spoiled, bratty princesses? Or worse, one of those manipulative ones who sees commoners as dirt? This could end very badly for you...

Tecorrin heads to a sitting area to the right, taking a seat on a cushy red bench. You don't hesitate to hop up beside him. The plush seat feels nice on your bare ass. You have to say, it was weird being naked all the time at first, but now you're getting used to it.

But, now you're waiting. You hate waiting...

What should you do to pass the time?

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