The Naked Years

The Naked Years

Evolution of the Nudity Virus

Chapter 1 by darklyte31 darklyte31

He was a brilliant geneticist and virologist, if somewhat misguided. His ideas to improve the human condition were often laughed at in the scientific community despite his many successes and the wealth he achieved. Because of this, his more misogynistic ideas were kept to himself as well as his views of population control, he secretly built lab for his experiments. After years of experimenting with various rodents and primates he believed he could go farther, especially with various untreatable conditions closing in. At 73 he was no spring chicken and his ailments could be felt almost constantly now. So he prepared his will, naming several medical institutions and charities and a few distant relatives that he liked, then began the preparations for his final plan.

Two viruses were created, one for males and the other females. The male virus would reduce sperm production and eventually sterilize the men in their late fifties or early sixties instead of just reducing fertility. It would also increase person's tolerance to low and high temperatures, with climate change he believed it would be necessary. In the female virus he did the same with the temperature, but left the reproduction alone due to its complicated nature. He also affected the mind as well the skin and fat cells. He was a firm believer in female subservience so it was designed to make women more compliant. And if everything went to plan, all women's skin will see clothing as an irritant. That last was more a whim than anything. Women would also have trouble gaining weight around their waists and lower areas of their bodies, concentrating on their breasts instead. These viruses were designed with a long incubation period so it could be spread to the whole world.

He put a small canister in his bag and met a friend in a popular restaurant in Paris for lunch, the canister silently sprayings the virus to the whole crowd. The next day the same was done with another friend at another popular eatery. With both viruses released he destroyed both his lab and research so no one could undo his work. And since it affect the population on a genetic level, people would be afraid of any adverse effects that could surface by trying to undo his work, hopefully for generations at least.

Seventeen months later he was on his deathbed being occasionally watched over by his nurse. **** should have happened months ago, but his stubborn nature made him hold on, waiting for the news he was sure to come. Suddenly the television caught his attention, an international story. A new virus spotted in the U.S. was having an unusual effect on women, they were unable to wear any clothes without obtaining severe rashes on their bodies. Brief contact has no effect but prolonged contact causes itching and rashes to appear. The nurse later found him dead with a smile on his face.

Things didn't go exactly as expected. The viruses mutated into several strains. While the male virus did as expected with few mutations, the female virus varied wildly. Temperature resistance was the only thing both viruses performed as expected.

Male reproduction was reduced among all strains, but instead of the sperm stopping production at a late age it merely slowed it down. Not to mention that the new male to female ratio that would be discovered in the future, 1 male to 2.4 females.

For females there was an even more significant change. The subservience that was expected never happened; instead, many women between the ages 19 to 67 on average developed some sort of skin condition or phobia related to clothing.

The female mutations are as follows:

Mutation 1: 1% of women develop a skin condition, an allergic reaction that prevents them from wearing or sleeping on anything made from cloth. They often have plastic coverings on all their furniture. Synthetic clothing was attempted using plastic and other materials, but after a short time wearing them their skin developed a temporary sensitivity similar to Mutations 2-4 only covering most of their body lasting for a few days. Since normal contact with these artificial materials causes no reaction, it has been concluded that the mental state of being clothed will cause their skin to react.

Mutation 2: 16% of women develop a mild skin condition that affects their mammaries. While all women's breasts among all mutations have grown to a minimum of a standard C cup, only this mutation and Mutation 4 causes a woman's breast to become overly sensitive to the abrasive nature of clothing, jewelry, etc... These women have to go topless and often have trouble not sleeping on their back.

Mutation 3: 14% of women develop a mild skin condition that affects their vagina, specifically the Labia Majora. No clothing or other materials can cover their outer lips without stimulating them to orgasm. Their buttocks will also develop a rash if exposed to clothing, but not their vagina. These women have to go bottomless.

Mutation 4: 9% of women develop a mild skin condition on both their mammaries and Labia Majora. Both locations become sensitive to coverings. While these women often go naked, many wear clothing that keep these two areas exposed. Unlike mutation 3, their ass is unaffected.

Mutation 5: 7% of women develop a phobia wearing clothes. If you try to **** them they can become violent, so great is their phobia.

Mutation 6: The remaining 53% of women only developed the temperature change resistance that the rest of the mutations produced.


Now, I'm not a good writer myself and only wanted to get this idea out there. Dialog and narrative are things that I suck at, so I will only introduce a few character ideas to get people started; I might add some chapters, but it will be probably be rare. You might have heard of a couple of these women before from other nude stories, with an obvious twist.

Jessica Kelly, 27, Delivery Truck Driver - extremely shy about her body, but every woman around her would kill to have a body like it - about to suffer from Mutation 5

Tami Smithers, 19, Sophomore Student- loves clothing and fashion - about to suffer from Mutation 1

Gloria Parham, 21, Senior Catholic Student- extremely devout - about to suffer from Mutation 4

Kimberly Tanner, 45, Real Estate Agent- mother of two twin girls and happily married - about to suffer from Mutation 2

Danika Peterson, 25, Marketing - because of the virus, the tech company she works for sees an opportunity to start a mailgirls like program - about to suffer from Mutation 3


Feel free to add some new characters in you don't want to use those above.

Who will be the Lucky or Unlucky women in these Tales?

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