The Futalorian

The Futalorian

An unscrupulous bounty hunter's sexual exploits catch up to her

Chapter 1 by MightyViking MightyViking

Episode LXIX


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

The unity of the Galactic Republic is strained after the Battle against the Trade Federation on Naboo. Queen Amidala knows that corruption within the Senate is to blame, and is determined to restore trust in Democracy. She worries that the Senate is only able to keep order through the support of the Jedi. If the Jedi fall, so does the Republic.

The Jedi Council is shaken by the **** of Qui Gon Jin at the hands of Darth Maul. As young Anakin Skywalker trains with other younglings at the Jedi temple on Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi is given another padawan to guide: Enthea Ro, a promising young Dathomirian.

Unbeknownst to the Jedi, a young Togruta named Silvi Khan nears the end of her Sith apprenticeship on Moraband. Eager to impress her Master, she awaits the final task that will make her a Sith.

The plan to take power was thwarted on Naboo, but another plan is underway. Meanwhile, without care for the machinations of the Sith or the struggles of the Jedi, a disgraced Mandalorian who long ago sold her beskar armor for drinking money wakes up alone aboard her ship with no recollection of the night before…

What's next?

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