World Market App

World Market App

Buy your cute neighbor and make her your !

Chapter 1 by dark_writer dark_writer

It was time to wake up. Ever since I got into college, I stopped sleeping so well. There was always a project, an exam, something to do.

This time, it was no different, I had a project due next week and I had barely started. I left out an annoyed sigh and got up from my bed.

I noticed a blinking light on my phone. It was my girlfriend.

She was a short chubby girl that I met on the welcome party a few months ago. I didn't even liked her that much, but she came from a relatively wealthy family, so I thought "Why not?" and went through with it.

"You haven't talked to me in the last three days. Is everything ok?"

"I know I told you I couldn't help you with your project, but really?"

"Please call me back."

How annoying.

I decided not to answer and was ready to put my phone away, when I noticed something strange. "World Market App". Did someone touch my phone when I was sleeping? I live with my mother and my sister, but neither of them know the password.

Just out of curiosity, I decided to tap on the app.

Welcome to the World Market App


Every person in the world has a price. This price is completely different for each person and changes based on how they view themselves and how they view you. This means, for example, that a famous person that doesn't know you may have a really high price while your subordinates at work whose livelihoods depend on you may be considerably cheaper.

Buying someone makes them your ****! This means that all of their actions, beliefs, assets and relationships are managed by you, while keeping their personalities.

At any moment, you can see on the app all the people over 18 in a certain radius around you listed with their current prices. Just tap on "BUY" and they're yours! They won't know this immediately, so you can play around and they'll just do and believe everything you say. You can see your current list of slaves and also send your orders through the app.


  1. You are already mine
    Your girlfriends have a permanent 75% discount and your wives a 95% discount!

Based on your use of the app, you may gain more perks, so be on the lookout for that!

You also have a 50% coupon on your first purchase. Enjoy!

This looks stupid. Why would anyone agree to become a ****?

It has to be a scam.


Even with that thought on my head, I still taped on the "Store" section.

  • Samantha Smith - $ 3 136 348
  • Evelyn Smith - $ 12 160
  • Richard Jones - $ 653 784
  • Maria Jones - $ 142 367
  • Fernanda Jones - $ 1 233 132

Current balance: $ 145 234

Sam? Mom? Even my neighbors are here. Wait, how does this app know my bank balance? I was dumbfounded, but somewhere inside me, I wanted to believe it was real.

Once, just to test wouldn't hurt, right?

I took another look at the prices. My sister was stupidly expensive. The app did mention that it was based on their perception. I guess she may hate me or is just really against ****. On the other hand, my mom is quite cheap. That thought made me mad for a second.

Maria was my neighbors' wife. She was a Mexican immigrant that came here for opportunities, but ended up marrying for a green card and having a daughter. I have just enough for her, but I don't know if I want to spend almost everything in something that may very well be a scam. I do have a coupon though, but I still don't know.

Who should I try this on first?

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