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Chapter 2 by mu70 mu70

Who do we follow?


*Author’s note: The first chapters of this story line do not contain much sex, I repeat: the first chapters of this storyline do not contain much sex! If you have a problem with that or with overly excessive character development, please move on. In fact at least in the beginning this story arc might contain much less sex then you are used from the other parts and lots more character and world building. If you have no problem with that go on and have fun. I hope the grammer is acceptable.*

Jonathan had always known he would die as a virign, well at least since he knew what a virgin was. To him the idea of having sex was ludicrous, he liked that word and before he had known that one, he used to think that <the idea was grotesque>. Needless to say, that he had never told this anyone, mostly due to the lack of people listening to him and of course even if he would have done so, they might have smiled at him or even laughed but certainly they wouldn’t have believed him. After all he was only just 18, what did he know about life?

Okay, he was 18 now and still <unfucked>, the same couldn’t be said about his life though; his life had been seriously fucked over past few years…

Some might argue that it all started with his naming. In fact the name Jonathan was a very uncommon choice of name, at least in Germany. Yes, of course there were people named like this but most were plagued by old age nowadays or at least Russian immigrants. Jonathan Fuchs was neither and to make matters worse his last name was an aptly description of him. Fuchs was the German word for fox and sadly his ancestors didn’t earn it by being exceptionally intelligent or cunning… No they had been redheads and by the rampant evilness of fate he had inherited this curse, including a full set of disfiguring freckles, the paleness of a fresh corpse and a pair of emerald eyes.

Like most Europeans Jonathan know almost nothing about Baseball but he knew about the concept of Strikes, after getting two strikes just by the merit of being born, fate was just waiting to serve his life a mean curveball. Strike three came in form of being overly sensitive or like they said in Germany, he stood too close to the shore, in other words – he cried easily as a boy, which of course would have been okay and so it was…

Until Jonathan the thrice fucked Fuchs came into contact with the public school system. Soon he learned reading, writing and all the other necessary stuff but at that point he had already learned how evil children could be. In accordance with sociology the weakest wolf of the pack became the punching ball for the rest of them – Jonathan was the weakest. Soon he was also the chubbiest, together with the fact that he had no friends before he got unpopular, the combination equaled an automatic sentence of his social life. Another big problem in his life were his parents, and while the inmates of his classes continued to systematically destroy his self-esteem, the marriage of his parents deteriorated.

In addition the family ties were also pretty loose and on his father’s side pretty much none existent. They had been miners, his grandfather and his great-grandfather and his great-great-grandfather and so on. Until one fateful day his father had declared that he would never be a miner, a <Kumpel>, but instead attend a university to become a mechanical engineer. The German word Kumpel was essentially a slang term for friend but also a good description for the brotherhood these miners represented, rejecting this brotherhood to become an mechanical engineer and placing himself therefore above such petty camaraderie was a betrayal for which his grandfather had no words except those needed for an eternal banishment.

Jonathan had never really cared about that, his mother’s family was irritating enough to be happy, that there wasn’t a mirror version from his father’s heritage or he had been happy, till his mother started to become moody.

That was two years ago, he had been 15 and in the 10th grade by then, still three more years to go to get his <Abitur> and by that his ticket for a university. Little did he know or expected, that until then his life had only been fucked in a standard missionary position, now fate got creative.

Originally his mother had been a kind loving person, who had found her fulfillment in managing a household with just one kid, after the wedding she had quitted her job as a secretary in the company for whom his father had worked and became a loyal member of the Legion of Housewives. She seemed content with spending his money, of which there was more than enough, and comforting their son after a rough day in school. They weren’t rich but didn’t have to think too hard about their purse.

Then came the days when his mother realized what her life had become, what might have been and what little she thought lay ahead of her. It took only half a year of allegations, teasing and tiring comments that his dad went out of the holy sacrament of marriage and spend a night with a project manager from Poland. After what Jonathan had heard, she had been a charming and enticing woman. It might have been inconsequential, if that fool wouldn’t have felt the need to save his marriage by honesty and told his wife about it.

In this case she was Judge, Jury and Executioner and before she sentenced the decea… the defendant, she tried to convince her son that the entire matter was his father’s fault. Something he didn’t quite belief. He had no experience with relationships, at this point he had giving up dating entirely, but he wasn’t stupid. Sadly his refusal to take her version as truth let to an ice age between them.

The divorce took time and after almost one year of court hearings and bills from lawyer after lawyer his mother had finally enough, she accused her then husband of …

You could say it accelerated the whole process and while after another year Tobias Fuchs was cleared of that charge, their life had changed dramatically. The divorce had been through by that point and it wasn’t far from the truth to say, that Astrid Fuchs had gotten everything. In a painfully stereotypical way she had gotten the house, both cars, the camping equipment, most other transportable objects and even the dog – something that really pissed Jonathan off. In fact there were only two things she did not get or did not want. First of course the cash because the lawyers took most of it and second, ranked accordingly in order of importance to her, Jonathan.

At first she tried to get the sole custody for him, most likely because the judge expected her to do so but after the allegation and all the sympathy for her, such games were no longer necessary and Jonathan would have to live for the rest his life with the knowledge that his mother took the dog but refused him.

During all this, his father did not fare well. Needless to say, that his company didn’t take the allegation well, if a head of department sits in court because he might have his own wife, well let’s just say that is bad PR. No one likes bad PR and he got fired pretty soon after it. Jonathan was sure they didn’t even feel bad about it, knowing he hadn’t the resources to fight his wife and them at the same time. As a man and therefore a potentially aggressive subject, Tobias also had to leave the house and move into a small apartment.

Thanks to the social welfare system he wasn’t starving or homeless by the time Jonathan moved out of his home and to his father and as soon as he was granted absolution by the court, his former company offered him 20.000 Euros, if only he wouldn’t make a fuss and tried to get his old job back.

By this point Jonathan was through most of his seventeenth year of life and almost at the end of his 12th school season, quite obviously the whole family episode had made achieving the necessary grades to pass almost impossible and everyone knew he would fail and repeat the year. In itself the prospect was terrible; at this point school had become a never ending and according to his Oxford dictionary the expression <running the gauntlet> might have been an adequate description of his daily routine.

Some things had changed of course, he didn’t cry that much anymore, at least not in public. In fact he didn’t show much of his emotions, still soft at heart but protected by a skin that seemed to be made of stone. He wasn’t fat anymore, thanks to the growth spurt but still got a few kilos too much. In addition there was no social life to speak off, school was about survival; you don’t let predators get to close, so he kept everybody at arm’s length. The same with activities outside of school, the fewer people he meet the better. Needless to say that <dating> was a possibility as deeply rooted in reality, as developing the ability to fly. Jonathan spend his days reading books and playing games on his PC, someone had to do it, those things were produced for that purpose and it would be a shame to let them go to waste.

He spent his 18th birthday at home with his father, there was no cake, it wouldn’t have been efficient to buy a whole cake for just two people but they had a few pieces. Jonathan’s gift was a book of some fantasy series and then they spend the evening in the local cinema watching all three original Star Wars movies. As far as birthdays were concerned, this one ranked pretty high on the list.

Almost a month later school would end for summer but before that his father got a call from an old friend. It was an invitation to a party or to use a more pompous word – a vernissage…

His friend had his own art gallery and Tobias had thought it was a good idea as any to attend and took his son with him, to get him out of the house for at least a few hours. Only 10 minutes into the event both regretted it.

This <vernissage> was all about a new aspiring artist, a sculptor to be precise and she – quite literally – was not from this world.

Jonathan had known about Sexworld for years, it was impossible not to, most adult and not so adult men didn’t talk about much else in their free time and it made national headlines when the import of Sexworld amateur porn had been made illegal, mostly because that stuff was quality wise often better than the homegrown business stuff and the porn industry faced utter annihilation but this woman was the first Sexworlder he had actually met.

As an old but still dear friend Tobias and his son were personal introduced to her by their host and she seemed to be a really nice and friendly person. Contrary to popular believe she didn’t immediately ask them to have wild sex with her. However, Jonathan’s first surprise hit him, when he was still a few meters away from her; she wore clothes, a dress to be exact and it wasn’t even the most revealing one in the room. There was a deep Cleavage of course, a large V went from her neck to her belly button but her breast weren’t as oversized as porn might have suggested, the slits in her dress did not cut it in half and the edge of her dress went almost to her ankles. In addition her make-up was unremarkable and subtle. People, who attended this event to meet a cliché, were soon disappointed.

On the other hand her sculptures were merciless in their obscenity; they were life sized statures of Sexworld sport stars and showed those trained bodies in even the smallest detail. Jonathan had blushed as soon as he saw them and tried to keep his eyes away from them, hoping no one saw him taking glances. He would have liked to see some of the original ashlars; they must have been huge to enable her sculpturing the athlete and also his massive erection.

After the introduction father and son spend most of the evening at the buffet, trying to hide. Albeit the atmosphere wasn’t charged with sexuality, instead shame seemed to be the most common feeling and voyeurism the favorite past time.

After an hour or so Tobias friend and the artist finished a tour through the room at their hiding spot and simply absorbed them into their conversation. Madeleine Boyd seemed to be a rising star in the Sexworld art scene and was the first sculptor to test her art on <Prudeworld> and its market in Europe, proud of herself she didn’t notice the three men flinch at the choice of words, none liked to be called prude.

A bit later she found out, that Tobias was a mechanical engineer and used to specialize in construct engines for large container ships, this caught Madeleine’s interest. As it turned out her twin sister was in the same business, though not an engineer herself, she had inherited their father’s company and tried to expand the business.

The evening passed by pretty quickly after that, Tobias talked with Madeleine and Jonathan had found a W-Lan hotspot for his cell-phone.

Naturally father and son didn’t talk much about the evening, the topic of that event was to embarrassing and they forgot about it soon, until a few weeks later a message arrived. Elizabeth Boyd offered Tobias a job – in her Sexworld based business.

Does he go? Does Jonathan follow him?

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