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Chapter 4 by Molybdenum Molybdenum

How to approach a lonely, lovely maiden?

Firmly but carefully.

Even a living piledriver knew when to feather the brakes.

A good rule of thumb was that the more drastic your intentions, the more powerful the signals you needed before it was okay.

Such a sinfully-soft body, whose every detail was now Akane’s to drink like that water, filled her with intentions of all kinds. In the shade of the open-air cafe’s overhang, the blue-haired, very pale woman had her back to the counter. Facing outwards to the ocean, offering everyone a look at her body through those tiny, shiny slips of jewel-ornamented gold.

Elves got bigger, but few on this beachfront could compare.

Each of her breasts were larger than her head, and their creamy, soft heft was entirely on display. Despite covering the tips of her nipples, it didn’t even conceal the pink on the sides, cutting so close to what few standards of decency reigned. Strings hung connecting the two nipple-covers, but having that much of the bikini covering up nothing added to its opulent decadence.

“Hello there.” Akane pushed up her sunglasses to her forehead to get a better view. She took a seat and paid for another water wirelessly, as the stool groaned beneath her muscular bulk. “Looking for somebody?”

The maiden was silent, perhaps intimidated.

Even if she didn’t share certain common attitudes, it was living nature to be frightened by things bigger than yourself. Being intimidating came as naturally as breathing to Akane Kobayashi. It was her birthright. Not being that was tough.

The hunger in her blue eyes just couldn’t be helped.

“Waiting for a friend?”

That drew a scoff, which was progress. A tiny clue to this mysterious beauty.

A bigger mystery loomed; what kept such size up top from getting out of proportion? It was the girl’s flat, narrow waist, which then widened back out at least as much, into the kind of hips and legs that belonged folded up in a mating press. Akane had read online that a narrow waist did as much to signal childbearing capacity as fertility-goddess hips.

‘My waist is thin and trim now, but it could swell, if you…’

Alpha stamen were never entirely free of that primal, powerful drive to breed.

There were times, even (and especially) in high elf country, where walking up to a girl, tossing her over your shoulder, and carrying her off caveman-style was the play. It needed to be really clear that’s what she wanted, what she desired from her deepest fantasies reading stacks of ‘First Age human barbarian claims elf maiden’ thin-books or something.

“I ask because I’m a local, and I’m used to guiding wayward souls. Yeah, I know, no pointy ears.” Akane shrugged, bringing broad, meaty shoulders up and down. “It happens. Haven’t seen you around... It’s always five o’clock somewhere, huh?”

The deep angle of the beauty’s bikini bottom’s gilded thong naturally drew the eye up and over hips, to an ass so generous and squeezable it squished against the stool and enveloped it. Her slightest movements strained and drew long-suffering noises from furniture specifically designed to handle elvish ass.

She looked down, as if startled to discover the distressingly-glowing martini in her hand. “Ah. This is just something for my nerves…” She froze, turning red. “... Dang. I was h-hoping that if I stayed very still, you’d move on. M-mission failed...”

The titan grinned, showing teeth. “Sorry. You’re the only thing I’ve been able to look at for a while now. I’m Akane, what’ s your name?”

Trying to pretend this massive human was a figment of her imagination hadn’t worked, so she cleared her throat. “M-Maria. Hi. And, for the record… the drink is because of this absurd outfit. Allow me to assure you, it was not my idea.”

She wiggled, grinding thick, plushy pillow-soft thighs together. Now that she couldn’t remain the stoic stature, signs of anxiety were coming through, as well as a dusting of color staying on those cheeks even as blushes came and went. She didn’t seem entirely comfortable in her own skin, and in that bejeweled excuse for a bikini, that was about all she had to cover herself.

“That’s fair. It’s nice to meet you, Maria. I have to say, whoever had this idea, it resulted in amazing things. Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Friend-friend?”

Maria brought the martini up to her lips and carefully sipped the liquid courage therein, keen dark eyes narrowing. “... Friend-friends. They got me into this, and then ditched me here.”

Akane snorted. “Some friends.”

“I mean, it’s not like this is the first time that’s happened…”

The dam was cracked, and letting out built-up resentment. In its place, flowed a small but steady stream of flavorful drink. Akane was happy to encourage the exchange, getting this bombshell to unburden herself about busybody friends, who apparently just did whatever they wanted without asking her.

She’d clearly been building this up for a while in her head. Akane was happy to be the sounding-board, help her get it off that enormous chest.

“And uh, by the way…” Maria fidgeted, her anger subsiding. “T-Thanks. I’m sure you’re just saying that, but implying I look ‘amazing’ is… nice. I wasn’t expecting ‘nice’ out of a human. That’s on me. Don’t feel like you have to spare my feelings, though. I know I don’t have the body or confidence for it.”

This girl couldn’t have gotten hammered off a single drink so fast. So her opening up, talking this way, might have even all been done to get a response. Though Akane didn’t like thinking this way, it was very difficult to know if an elf maiden was in her first, or fifth, century of life.

Akane herself was unlikely to get the full one, even with modern technology, given the human frame wasn’t exactly supposed to be three meters goddamn tall.

Akane leaned forward. “Enough of that. I can’t speak to your attitude, but your body is making that bikini work, Maria. Not the other way around. Have you looked in a mirror? Feel free to talk shit about me, there’s the queue. But please don’t put yourself down. I can’t bear when pretty girls do that.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “A thousand pardons. And yeah, I spent minutes in front of that mirror in the changing stalls. You know, the ones over there. They aren’t very far at all.”

She paused for a long time, turning redder.

“... Um, that was me trying to very subtly drop those changing stalls into the conversation… And instead they went off like a nuke. I swear, I’m not normally like this.”

“That’s fine,” Akane assured her. “I am normally like this, and I’m not a subtle person. So I’ll just come right out with it. Do you want to have a good time together?”

Maria knocked back the rest of her martini.

“... Why not.”

Caveman mode, engage.

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