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Chapter 7 by SG SG

So what's he do?

Ask her out!

Derek had an idea. "Hey Linda. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Her eyes refocused and she blinked. "Clever. So either I say no and I become a vegetable or a say yes and you take me out. So yes, but you're paying."

He grinned and moved, gesturing to the door. She grabbed her coat and stepped out into the night. "I'll drive," he said. She didn't love that but she also didn't love the idea of zoning out behind the wheel, so she agreed.

As they climbed into his small sedan, he asked what sort of food she liked.

"Most things, really. I love Vietnamese food - any good banh mi plaaaa..."

She had slipped into a stupor again. Was it because he had asked her a question after the date thing? Derek hadn't even started the car and he found himself sitting in a dark parking lot with a beautiful woman in a complete stupor. His curiosity got the better of him.

"Linda?" he asked to no response. He held a hand in front of her face and felt her hot breath on his palm. He snapped a finger and said her name again, then very cautiously put a hand out. He touched the side of her face. It was warm and pliant and she didn't react at all. He pushed a little bit and she slumped away from him, knocking her head against the car window.

This was getting a little creepy. He started the car and pulled out of his parking place.

"Linda, please have a conversation with me."

As expected, she immediately activated. It was weird, like seeing an animatronic creature plugged in. " Sorry, I guess saying yes to the date counted as going on the date. How long was I out?"

"Only a few seconds. So you don't remember anything from your, uh, downtime?"

She sighed. "Nope. I could have been out for seconds or days. It's like, once I don't have a task, I just shut off. I've woken up starving before." She didn't bother to mention the times she had soiled herself or more embarrassing things.

He took a right onto the freeway onramp. "Wow. So have you had this problem your whole life?"

"Since I was ten. It's very rare." She looked down shyly. "I kinda don't wanna talk about it too much right now. It feels like it dominates my whole life. I'd like to just enjoy a normal date tonight, if that's ok."

His heart skipped a beat. Was this an actual date to her, not just a workaround for her ailment? "Sure!"

They made small talk about movies and books. Linda found an easy chemistry with Derek. Her anxiety about her condition and the lack of contact from the handlers was still raging, but Derek's wry jokes and insightful questions helped alleviate it. Finally, they arrived at the restaurant.

"Ok, do I need to tell you to get out of the car and accompany me into the restaurant now?" Derek asked as he switched off the ignition. Her response was a blank, mindless stare.

What now?

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