The Worlds Most Powerful Hypnotist

The Worlds Most Powerful Hypnotist

Dr Darke's clients say he is a real wizard. And one unlucky customer is about to find out just how true that is...

Chapter 1 by Radster23 Radster23

Dr Darke leaned back in his chair and exhaled frustratedly. By most people's standards it would have been a good day, but as usual he couldn't help but feel that his extraordinary talents were being wasted.

From an early age Dr Darke had realised he posessed abilities that regular people neither had nor would even have imagined possible. To put it bluntly he could make anyone do anything he wanted them to just by telling them to do it. Anything. No matter how much they disliked his instructions, or felt incapable of carrying them out, anyone he wished to would do just as he pleased at his command. It was as simple as that.

Dr Darke had no idea where his powers came from, most likely they had always been a part of him somehow and he had been aware of them since he was young. Of course, his unusual abilities had initially seemed nothing but a boon and he had taken full advantage of them as anybody that age would. Teachers had often completed his homework for him and consistently given him top grades. Anyone who had attempted to bully him (Dr Darke was slightly built and somewhat nerdy looking back then and hadn't changed much since) had quickly found themselves publically humiliated and entirely at his mercy. To the amazement of his male classmates, he had dated all the prettiest girls not only in his own year but the years above.

However, in time he came to see his powers as much as a curse as a gift. He could hear people whispering about him, that he was a freak, a monster, some kind of sorceror with dark powers. He could have silenced them or even punished them for such talk of course, but wouldn't that just be proving them right? It became much easier for the young Dr Darke just to hide his ability to control people and, in time, use it only where it would not seem out of place and even be welcomed.

And so it was that he had run a thriving hypnotherapy service since early adulthood. He had jumped through all the nescessary hoops to make himself appear as legitimate as possible. He had a degree in psychology and a wall full of certificates. He put his clients through a completely unnescessary routine of shutting their eyes and counting down from a hundred, or some other pointless ritual, to disguise the magical commands he was actually giving them. He did everything he could to appear as if he were a regular hypnotist, albeit one with an exceptional record of immediate success.

This simple ruse had made him very wealthy and even gained him a few celebrity clients, but still he couldn't help but feel unfulfilled. Stopping people from smoking or curing their fear of heights seemed such a mundane use of his powers. And it wasn't as if his private life was any more exciting than his working one. He more or less stayed away from dating as he would never be able to tell if soneone actually wanted to be with him or was just acting under the power of his suggestions.

It all seemed like such a waste. And lately he had been getting urges. Urges that he had been increasingly struggling to supress. He wanted to have some fun with his powers of control and behave immorally and irresponsibly for once. To make some poor, unsuspecting client his personal plaything and use them to entertain his continually repressed desires in any way he saw fit, no matter how degrading they found it. What was stopping him anyway? Only the ethics of a profession he wasn't really part of. He could easily make his temporary toy forget everything they had been through once he was done with them. Where was the harm?

The clock was about to hit 4pm. It was time for his last client of the day. As it turned out, it was also time for Dr Darke to finally indulge himself in his deepest urges and use his powers displicably for his own pleasure.

He opened his door and invited his next client to enter his office, sending his receptionist home with a smile as he did so. He wanted as much privacy as possible for this particular session.

Who was Dr Darke's unfortunate guest?

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