The Not So Perfect World of Heroes

The Not So Perfect World of Heroes

Heroes. Villains. Choices. Love. Hate. Super powers. NTR & .

Chapter 1 by Zaofan Zaofan

"Our greatest demons...sometimes...are the ones we fester within"



I remember the days when I was much younger . My Mom told me my Dad was famous. I was perhaps no more than 3 at that time , a wide eyed boy, impressionable and very much unable to truly grasp hold of what that meant at the time. Only what she also failed to mention to me was how famous she was herself, though I wouldn’t discover the depths to my mother’s notoriety until much later. When I was in deep into my career as a hero. A time where my life would've changed so much to the point I could no longer remember the good days.

But back to my father...

I was aged 6 when we were taken on a field trip to see the marvelously esteemed metro city! This was a big deal for us, especially since we grew up in one of the urban districts, 50 miles away from the popular Heroes City. So most of what we knew was based on Tv, comic books and the odd news broadcast which trickled down from the mouths of our parents about what our popular heroes were up too.

Being a hero was my biggest dream, ever since I could talk all I wanted to do was become a hero. Those days nothing else mattered then discovering my powers. I tried all the online rituals, the superstitions and anything a 6 year old like myself could get his hands on.

It was a brightly lit morning today, and the golden sunshine bathed the city in its golden elixir. So we spent half of the day touring this great place seeing all the majestic monuments standing gallantly on their pedestals.

The historical places we either heard about on social media or via the comic books we read were right in front of us. I didn't own a camera which was a shame, considering I tried my best to make a mental image of all the beautiful scenes I witnessed.

We stopped by one of the local food stores, I had a craving for noodles with sweet soy sauce. I also had a small cup of frozen yogurt which went down delightfully as a small treat. Our next destination was set to be the longest street within Metro City, the heroic walk way. Awaiting us on the end of it was the Council of Heroes. The council was one of the most important if not the staple head for all things involving Heroes. Other than the famous tower of Marvel, The council was on my list of places I just had to see.

We finally set our feet against the heroic walk way, the atmosphere painted this attractive peaceful and constant cheerfulness. At that time I felt as though I was walking on air. But all of a sudden, a shroud of darkness covers the sun. And our skies were suddenly marred with blaring lights and the sounds of monotonous alarms, blaring across the heavens. Now considering I myself at that tender aged was somewhat of a serious Hero fanatic. It didn’t take me too long to understand exactly what was going on.

The city was under attack!

Unsurprisingly by a familiar face I had seen quite often plastered against the daily news broadcasts.

Dr Vist and his companion The Terrible Antler appeared in my clear view.

The latter being half human and half some kind if insect-mammal hybrid. I felt a surprising wave of marvel whilst I observed that distinctive horned black helmet. The Terrible Antler stood alongside one of the oldest villains who continued to plague Metro City, Dr Vist. A mad scientist who held a grudge against the populace of Metro City, due to never being acknowledged for the great contributions he made towards the nano development of evolution with marvel cells and creatures. I heard he tried blowing up one of the research facilities, only to be foiled by Wonderful Wonder. Who managed to stop him in time.

The duo had decided to launch an attack upon the heart of Metro City today. Naturally I always willed to see a battle such as this up close in person, I remember beaming with excitement once they descended on what looked like an giant bald eagle made out of metal and bolts. It was just like the comics! And any moment now I was expecting one of the Heroes to appear darting across the skies.

"HEHEHE stupid mortals. Vist Let me rip them apart..." Snarled the sadistic grinning Antler

Vist was much the composed villain as the comics described him as. I couldn't shake away this terrible feeling whenever he laid eyes upon me. For some reason it felt like he watched me longer than the others.

I twitched out of a mixture between excitement and fear. Where are the heroes? They should've been alerted by now right...b-but where could they be?

My thoughts continued to wonder...and wonder...but nothing arrived. No heroic laugh followed by a fist filled with marvelous energy. No heroic pose nor cheers from the people. Once The Terrible Antler made his move, a single word escaped through my voice.


So reality proved to be much crueler than anything else I could’ve imagined. My joy quickly turned into despair. Minutes ticked on...and no sign of any hero in the skies. From that realization...nightmare truly descended upon us all.

That day, we just so happened to be right on same street as the dastardly duo. A simple coincidence that led to a chain events that would change my life forever.

I remember the screams of anguish that day, watching helplessly on whilst the children I had shared classes and humor with were being aggressively mauled like livestock by The Terrible Antlers pincer attacks. It seemed almost surreal to me, how often I had watched scenes online of the same duo being pummeled by the heroes. Sometimes to the point they could barely move. I could recite all of the major battles The Antler had, and more so all the defeats he had suffered to the hands of the Heroes.

The beatdown was effortless, so much so it looked almost like childs play to me. And yet, whilst the cobbled grey roads dyed in the adolescent blood of my peers. I finally understood just how powerless a mortal was compared to these super-powered beings.

After waves of and my adolescent well and truly being broken beyond repair.

The moment I recalled realizing I was the lone survivor left amongst my class. I felt a terrible premonition of fall upon me.

A weight so heavy I even collapsed to the floor whilst I awaited for my inevitable fate to arrive .

Even a 6 year old like myself could understand when deaths door lurked.

"HEHEHE Vist look! One little piggie left. I will take my time *Slurp* yes"

But just as the ferocious bladed arm of the antler came bearing down upon me, I saw a flash of gold arch against the skies. The most wondrous swash of gold I had ever seen danced across my gaze. Following shortly afterwards was the deranged squeal of pain hurling out from the mouth of the antler.

I remember seeing his arm flaying across the air like a frisbee. His red blood gushing everywhere without end. But the one thing which captivated my heart that day, was the unexpected sight of my father. Standing proudly in his one piece hero suit. My eyes could hardly believe what they beheld. Wearing a heroes red, a pure white and a marvellous gold. I couldn't stop picturing the jovial and very mundane looking man who smiled at me during all these years.

His blue cape danced majestically with the wind, he was erected just how I imagined a God would look. Those bright amber set eyes of his beheld me with a familiar warmth and my heart stirred instantly. This man was my father? suspicion...wonder...pride and excitement. I couldn't contain the emotions dancing wildly through my childish mind. Tears suddenly welled in my eyes, in that moment I understood I didnt want to die. I had to live!

His smile was gentle as he opened his mouth and spoke to me. He spoke a set of words id never forget.

“Don’t be afraid my boy…a hero has come.”

Before that moment he was merely my stay at home clumsily Dad. Beyond that day however, I started to know him the same way as the world did.

He was Mr Perfect. The Number 1 Hero.

*Updating Friday*

A New World Awaits...or check out the first installment of the new Gallery instead...

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