The Gang

The Gang

Female gang attacks male

Chapter 1 by bobolino bobolino

Today I was planning a pesto with salami and spring onions. I grabbed everything I needed for that recipe, along with the usual staples such as pasta and flour. The fact that there weren't hardly any women around made shopping a more relaxing experience. I can't really explain it to you but the constant attention that they give me sometimes makes me nervous and uncomfortable.

While I was paying for my groceries and making my way out of the store, I noticed a group of young female supremacists had been loitering outside, perhaps they had followed me. I got a bad feeling right away as I noticed their appearance, especially when they seemed to stare at me continuously.

They all looked rough, tough and dangerous and they all had large physiques. The group looked intimidating and threatening to me, they were staring at me as I left the store. They were all dressed in tight tops, short shorts, and flesh-revealing fabrics. They were all wearing that elaborate facial make-up the supremacists wear and they all looked like they were ready to start a fight.

I didn't want to be in any danger so I quickly made my way out of the store and away from them. I had a bad feeling about them and their presence made me feel very uncomfortable. I was worried that they might try to attack me, or worse.

"Hey!" One of them called out "where're ya goin' sugar?"

I ignored them. But they started to follow me, walking alongside me as I made my way around the parking lot to go back to the bus stop. They ran and caught up to me behind the store and surrounded me in a circle. I tried to sidestep them but then the leader of the group stepped up to me.

She was one of the most intimidating woman I had ever seen. She had a huge physique, her muscles were well-defined and she was tall. Her skin was dark and her eyes were intense.

"Who are you?" She asked me in a gruff voice.

I realized that I should probably answer her question so I told her my name.

"You're not from around here are you?" She asked me "where're ya from?"

I told her that I was from Switzerland but that I had recently moved to this town.

How do you react?

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