The Exhibit

The Exhibit

Don't meddle with the artefacts

Chapter 1 by xmare xmare

It started as a flicker in the corner of her eye. She turned to look for what had caught her attention and found herself facing a statue. She looked up in admiration. It was ornately carved from mahogany and much taller than her, life-size. He stood proudly, just under 6' tall and very handsome. His chiselled body, in nothing but a loincloth, captivated her.

Before she even knew it, she was walking towards the statue. She lifted her hand to touch it and didn't even notice as alarms sounded around her. She had no idea that staff were rushing towards her, ready to tell her to remain behind the rope. Instead she walked through the rope. Her leg tugged at the rope, toppling the heavy brass poles that supported it, causing a clattering sound that echoed around the exhibition hall. It drew everyone's attention but hers.

She stepped onto the podium and put a hand on his cheek before kissing the handsome inanimate face. She was so entranced that it didn't occur to her to be concerned when he returned the kiss. Lost in the moment, she let him take her hands in his and guide them gently to rest on the back of her head. She felt him lean back from the kiss and stroke some hair out of her face. Her hips rocked gently with desire and she bit her lip and watched, patiently, as he smiled and took a step back. He ran his hands gently down her bare sides, appreciating her natural curves, her desire spiking as his hands settled on her hips for a moment.

She felt her heart hurt as something caught his attention. Some kind of commotion around her. She couldn't bring herself to turn away from him to look at it. He spun around and looked concerned. The medieval cloak he was now wearing whooshed as he turned, brushing against her bare legs.

She watched him run away, chased by two museum volunteers.

She wanted to run with him, but when she tried to pull her hands from behind her head, they wouldn't move. She tried to twist her body and move her legs but she couldn't. She couldn't move at all. She just stood still; still as a statue.

A/N: Please note that, in the spirit of choose-your-own-adventure, this story takes multiple similar paths. They will all be different, in some cases subtly and in some cases extremely, and I encourage exploring. However, you might find that reading them all in the order I can write them to be confusing. I hope you enjoy!

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