Satan Stops Politics

Satan Stops Politics

Satan Gets Fed Up

Chapter 1 by Time.Master Time.Master

“What is wrong oh great one,” Snark, a small blue demon, asked as he looked at his boss. The giant red creature sat slumped in his throne with his head in his hands, as a pretty blonde with a nazi tramp stamp choked on his massive red cock.

“Look at the state of the world,” Satan said conjuring up a picture. Soon clips of the world came into view: Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, Trump, AOC, The Clintons, racist nazi rednecks, looters, over the top feminists, and many more.

“Shouldn’t you be happy sir, you’re causing chaos,” asked Blart, a fat equally tiny red demon.

“Not like this,” Satan said with a huff. “Humans today all suck. It’s always politics this and politics that. It’s so boring, I don’t what any of these people down here with me.”

“Maybe you could send me to teach those racist conservatives a lesson,” Snark said with a smile.

“Racist conservatives... real original, did you get that from watching Rachel Maddow. Try educating yourself. Who’s the side looting and don’t get me started on your socialist agenda,” Blart sneered.

“Thanks for spewing the Sean Hannity talking points you mindless moron,” Snark said clinching his fist.

“Stop, see this is exactly my point. Although it does give me an idea,” Satan said as he stood up barely noticing the nazi blonde getting pushed to the floor. He walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a stopwatch. “Blart Snark I empower you with this. It allows you the ability to stop time. I want you to take this to earth and use it on those annoying humans. Humiliate them to the highest degree. Think of this as a competition for my entertain,” he said handing the two demons the watch.

“Haha you’re conservative friends are going to be taken off their high horses,” Snark said with a laugh.

“Time for you liberals to actually become a victim,” Blart laughed back.

“Have fun boys,” Satan said snapping his fingers.

Immediately Snark and Blart were transported to a busy park. No one seemed to acknowledge the presence of two little demons magically appearing out of nowhere.

“So who gets to go first,” Blart asked.

Snark shrugged, “Rock, paper, scissors?”

“Alright,” Blart agreed.

In unison they said, “Rock, paper, scissor, shoot.”

Who wins?

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