

Are you a Hero or Villain?

Chapter 1 by M2J N7 M2J N7

NOTE: For new contributing authors, to use the naming options in your chapters, type { First }, { Last }, { Meta } in place of where you'd use the First, Last and Meta names-without the spaces- and they will appear in the story, should you choose to change them.

Also, starting with the first chapter you branch off from this chapter, all new contributing authors should post a note as to what the recommended first, last and metahuman name for your charcter is. It goes without saying the the male telekinetic/telepath is the default names already given.

You are James Hawkins.

You are the most recently emerged metahuman- a person with special abilities above the norm. After watching others from afar, both heroes and villains, affecting the world as you know it in a variety of ways, it's finally your turn in the limelight. What you choose to do with your recently awakened powers is up to you. Will you be the next great inspiring hero? Or will you succumb to your darker impulses? Or will you establish some sort of middle ground, walking neither path, but forging your own? Will you become one of the mainstream personalities or will you simply be a small town attraction? Will you go solo or become part of a team? Will you join an established team or form your own? Are you a leader or a follower?

Of the established superhero teams, several standout to you amongst the rest.

First, there is The Justice . They are a national level superteam, many of whom are former law enforcement officials, or at the very least, have trained with law enforcement. They, above all others, have the best reputation of any super team around. Their leader is a mountain of a man named "Tank". His super abilities include Mega Level Strength and Near Invincibility and he looks to be a good 200-300 lbs of pure muscle.

Another national level superhero team is The Radikalz. Most didn't take them seriously when they first appeared, for obvious reasons. However, it wasn't long before they established their credentials fighting against a newly emerged metahuman that had been driven insane by her powers and was even giving The Justice  a hard time. Even still, they are more of an anti-hero team made up of super powered punks who don't really care for established rules and guidelines. Despite their "Rebel Without a Cause" attiude, they seem to at least have their hearts in the right place. Their leader is a young woman named "Fade" whose powerset is widely undefined, but it is known that she can become intangible. Whether that is the full scope of her powers is unknown at this time, but her leadership skills can not be denied.

As for established villain teams, only one team has truly established itself as such. Simply known as The Legion, they are a somewhat reclusive group of metahumans whose agenda is widely unknown. They have had several clashes with both The Justice  and The Radikalz, even managing to kill members of both teams, though not without having casualties inflicted upon them in return. Their leader is currently unknown- at least to the world at large. If the governments of the world or any of the superteams that have fought them know, none of them are talking.

Whatever your choices, it is up to you Mastermind, to make your own way.

What are your gender and power set?

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