Of Sorcerers and Slimes

Of Sorcerers and Slimes

Sometimes good things come in gooey packages.

Chapter 1 by TMJ2008 TMJ2008

The world of Tagrus is a world powered by magic. While there are knights that get by on the strength of their body and sword and craftsmen that don't use magic to create their tools, those that do use magic are considered a cut above. For this reason, it is the sorcerers that rule this world and keep it running.

Every individual has the capacity to use magic, if only to a small degree, but those that have greater potential seek to further their knowledge and magical skill through study. These individuals, from a young age, matriculate to one of the many sorcery academies in the world. There are numerous such schools for magic of varying size and specialties, but, among them all, three stand out as Grand Academies that all wish to attend.

There is Silania Academy in the forested country of the Elves, an academy that focuses on Nature magic and guiding the elements more than any other, seeking to use their magic to bring balance to the energies of the world. Then there is Fauleki Academy in the mountainous Dwarven lands where magical craftsman who specialize in making magic weapons or devices powered by magic learn their trades, their devices and weapons the sorts that can change the very way that people live, if made and used correctly. And then there is Starfall Academy in the human kingdom where a variety of magics are taught and studied, specialization less important than freedom of choice there, the sorcerers of that school coming from all walks of life and going on to make their mark in all different areas of magic.

These three academies, and the numerous "lesser" academies in the world, may be located in various countries, but any student of any race can study in any of them. And, while sometimes there is prejudice or misunderstandings due to differences in race, all are bound together by their embracing of the magical world. Magic binds and joins them all, sorcerers finding their place together due to their power and how they choose to use it. The only true rivalry or enmity that exists is between the schools and that is usually vented through inter-academic competitions of various sorts, the most prominent of which being the magical battle competitions where sorcerers battle with their skill and familiars alike.

Ah, yes, familiars. For, you see, rivalries or not, there is one event that brings all those who study magic together, regardless of their choice of where or what to study. It is the Ceremony of Summoning. That is when those sorcerer students who reach the age of adulthood (18 for humans, 75 for elves, 40 for dwarves and so on and so forth) are allowed to perform the Ritual of Calling, where they summon their very first magical familiar.

Familiars, beings that are summoned to aid the sorcerer in their endeavors, are seen as symbols of status for many magic-users and, so, the first summoning is one of the most important. The creature summoned often reflects the power and potential of the summoner and, therefore, people look upon that first summoning as a sign of what is to come for the sorcerer. So the more powerful the creature summoned, the more respected and esteemed a sorcerer is. This creature can be magical or mundane, dragon or wolf or anything in between. Whatever it is, it shall be imbued with magic and bonded to the one who summoned them, the relationship between familiar and sorcerer sacred and unbreakable from the very moment they are joined at the ceremony.

It is at this ceremony, taking place in the Sacred Citadel, a structure that has existed for ages before any can truly remember, located in the center of the continent on which the three Grand Academies are, that you are now. You, a sorcerer student, are standing in line with the numerous other sorcerers in training to wait your turn to summon your first familiar. You have stood and watched as numerous other individuals before you had gone forth and summoned creatures both wondrous and mundane to their sides. Dragons, gryphons, unicorns, centaurs and other magical beings have been summoned to the citadel and bonded with their summoner and you have only been able to stand and watch and wait with excitement for your own turn to come.

And, finally, finally after so long waiting, you see the Wizened Wizard, the one who has been officiating these ceremonies since before any mortal being could truly remember despite looking like an elderly human man, turn towards you. He turns towards you, eyes glittering with every color as he fixes you with his gaze and smiles. The smile sends a calming warmth through you, soothing the nervousness you'd been feeling and leaving you feeling calm and ready for what is to come.

"Your turn has come. Come forth,..."

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